1 Thessalonians
Opening Considerations
The Thessalonians are praised
They became examples
Their hope
Paul's ministry in Thessalonica
Paul's devotion to them
Their conversion
Paul's concern for the Thessalonians
A sense of bereavement
Concern leads to action
Paul's desire to go to them
Holiness pleases God
Sanctified sex
An impressive life style
Christ's second coming
The RaptureThis paragraph defines the Rapture: Jesus comes down into the atmosphere of this planet (‘clouds’) and collects all those who belong to Him; the bodies of those who have died physically will be resurrected and reunited with their spirits; those still living will not have to die (death is separation); all their bodies will be glorified; the Christ will have His Bride.
The Day of the Lord
Live as sons of light
Concluding instructions
Esteem spiritual leaders
A variety of instructions
Complete sanctification