2 Corinthians
Opening Considerations
Praise for deliverance
A change of plans
The change explained
About the first letter
An afterthought
We have a glorious ministry
A fragrance of life
An aside
Competent ministers
A greater glory
But it isn't easy
Momentary affliction; eternal glory
We live by faith
Why Christdied
We are Christ's ambassadors
What it costs to be Christ's ambassadors
An aside
Separation is a ‘must’
Titus, and the first letter
Enter Titus
The effect of the first letter
Titus again
The collection for the church in Jerusalem
The Macedonian example
Christ's example
When handling money, avoid criticism
A little precaution
Kingdom economics
Paul's defense of his apostolic authority
Weapons of spiritual warfare
Paul is criticized
Proper limits for boasting
A godly jealousy
Paul ministered without charge
Exposing deceivers
A little ‘necessary’ boasting
When I am weak, then I am strong
A visit to the third heaven
The ‘thorn in the flesh’
Apostolic signs were produced
Still not burdening
A little veiled threatening
I will not spare
Examine yourselves