The birth of John the Baptizer foretold
The setting
Gabriel delivers
Zacharias doubts
Zacharias punished
The birth of Jesus foretold—5
Gabriel delivers
Mary agrees
Mary visits Elizabeth
Elizabeth prophesies
Mary worships
The birth of John
John is named
Zacharias prophesies
The birth of Jesus—4
At night, in Bethlehem, the Savior is born
Angels and shepherds
Shepherds go and report
Jesus is named
Jesus is presented to God
Back to Natsareth
A twelve-year-old Boy
Enter John the Baptizer—26 AD
“Brood of vipers!”
“What shall we do?”
“A greater One is coming”
John is imprisoned—an historical aside
Jesus is baptized
Mary's genealogy
Jesus tested by Satan
Jesus begins His public ministry, in Galilee
His hometown rejects Him
“Today this Scripture is fulfilled”
Jesus treads on their toes
Capernaum becomes His base of operations—27 AD
A demonized man
Peter's mother-in-law
Healings at sunset
By the sea
A miraculous catch
The hinge: proof, evaluation, rejection
A leper—the proof
An examining council—the evaluation
“Your sins are forgiven”
A ‘discussion’ ensues
God is glorified
Enter Levi (Matthew)
The Pharisees have a problem
New wine X old wineskins
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
He heals on the Sabbath
The rejection
Choosing the Twelve
A sermon on a level placeAlthough similar to the ‘sermon on the mount’ recorded by Matthew, this is clearly a different time and place. During His ministry the Lord doubtless repeated His basic concepts over and over.
Be compassionate
We get what we give
A tree is known by its fruit
Two foundations
The faith of a centurion
A widow's son raised
Messengers from John
Jesus praises John
Inconsistency of the Pharisees
A lesson in forgiveness
Jesus takes the offensive
Women provide for Jesus
Parable of the soils
The purpose of parables
The parable of the soils explained
All will be exposed
Relationships redefined
Jesus stills a storm
Jesus handles demon infestation
A desperate father
A desperate woman
Jesus raises a dead girl
Jesus sends out the Twelve
Herod is troubled
Jesus feeds about 5,000 men
Jesus ministers on the basis of His impending death
“You are the Christ!”
To gain is to lose, to lose is to gain
Peter, John and James see the ‘Kingdom’
A violent demon
Jesus foretells His death, again
He who is least will be great
John changes the subject
A Samaritan village
The cost of discipleship
Jesus sends out the SeventyWhereas the Twelve had been sent two by two to Galilee, the Seventy were sent to Judea.
Jesus gives the example
The Seventy return and report
Jesus worships His Father
How to inherit eternal life
The good Samaritan
Martha and Mary
A model prayer
A request at midnight
A divided house
An empty house
True blessedness
Jonah is a sign
Light inside the body
Jesus derides scribes and Pharisees
Jesus derides lawyers
Beware of hypocrisy
Don't fear assassins
You confess Christ, He'll confess you
Beware of materialism
Parable of a rich fool
The mentality of the Kingdom
Watchfulness enjoined
Christ causes division
Discern the time
Pay your debts on time
Repent or perish
Parable of a barren fig tree
Jesus heals a woman bound by Satan
Two parables
The narrow gate
A word for Herod
Jesus laments over Jerusalem
Jesus heals a man with dropsy
A lesson about humility
An unusual banquet
Jesus ministers (mainly) in Perea
Jesus defines discipleship
Parable of a lost sheep
Parable of a lost coin
Parable of a lost son
Parable of a stupid steward
A bit of irony
The Law will not fail
A rich man and beggar LazarusThe Text does not state that this is a parable, so most probably it is not.
Don't offend, forgive
Faith like a mustard seed has
The thanks a slave gets
Jesus cleanses ten lepers
The coming of the Kingdom
Parable of a persistent widow
Parable of a Pharisee and a publican
You enter the Kingdom like a child does
An upright, rich ruler
Riches tend to keep people out of the Kingdom
Jesus declares His coming death and resurrection—third time
A blind man near Jericho
Parable of a despised king
The last week
The ‘Triumphal Entry’
A steed for the King
Rejoicing and praising
A sour note
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem
Jesus cleanses the temple—second time
Jesus' authority questioned
Parable of some perverse tenants
To Caesar, Caesar's; to God, God's
Sadducees deny resurrection
Is the Christ David's Son?
Jesus denounces the scribes
A lesson in giving
Jerusalem will be destroyed
The Olivet Discourse
Things will get bad, really bad
Jerusalem will be destroyed
Christ will return to the earth
Parable of the fig tree
Watch and pray
His daily routine
Judas joins the plot against Jesus
The last night
Preparation for the last Passover
They eat the Passover
Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper
The betrayer is present
Wanting to be ‘the greatest’ is not a valid option
Peter will deny Him
“Buy a sword”
Betrayal and arrest
Peter denies Jesus
Guards mistreat Jesus
Crucifixion day
Jesus judged by the Council
Jesus taken to Pontius Pilate
Jesus taken to Herod
Pilate sentences Jesus
Jesus is crucified
Jesus dismisses His spirit
Various reactions
Jesus' body is buried
Resurrection Day
“He is not here, but is risen!”
The women report
The ‘Emmaus’ incident
The two report
Jesus appears to the Eleven
Jesus ascends to Heaven