For the music director. A psalm of David, to be accompanied by string instruments.
When I call, please answer me, God who vindicates me. When I was hemmed in by troubles, you gave me a way out. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.
How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you love what is worthless and tell lies? Selah.
You should realize that the Lord shows special favor to the faithful. The Lord listens when I call to him.
Be in awe,*Some translate this word as “anger,” but the sense of this verse is to realize God's abilities and consequently to turn away from sinful actions. do not sin. When you rest, reflect on this, and keep quiet! Selah.
Offer sacrifices with the right attitude. Trust in the Lord.
Many say, “Who is going to show us some good?” Lord, may your face shine upon us.See Numbers 6:26.
The happiness you give me is better than those who have a plentiful harvest of grain and new wine.
I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you, Lord, alone keep me safe.Alternatively: “for you Lord keep me safe, even being alone.”

*4:4 Some translate this word as “anger,” but the sense of this verse is to realize God's abilities and consequently to turn away from sinful actions.

4:6 See Numbers 6:26.

4:8 Alternatively: “for you Lord keep me safe, even being alone.”