God Comforts Paul and the Corinthians
God Rescued Paul When He Was Suffering
Paul’s Reason for Being Proud
Why Paul Changed His Plans
Forgive the Person Who Sinned
Paul’s Mission as Christ’s Spokesman
The Ministry That Comes from Christ Is Greater Than Moses’ Ministry
Paul Is Never Discouraged
Faith Guides Our Lives
Christ’s Love Guides Us
Our Lives Demonstrate That We Are God’s Servants
Christians and Their Relationships with Unbelievers
Paul Was Comforted by What the Corinthians Did
The Collection for Christians in Jerusalem
The Reason to Give to the Christians in Jerusalem
Paul’s Authority to Speak Forcefully
Paul’s Reason for Bragging
Paul Contrasts Himself with False Apostles
More Reasons for Paul to Brag
Paul’s Visions and Revelations from the Lord
Paul Was Not a Burden to the Corinthians
Paul’s Concern about the Corinthians’ Way of Life
Paul Tells the Corinthians to Prepare for His Visit