*5:5 (5-9) MP: Lame legs healed. (In the example, this man was lame for 38 years). (Is 35:6a)
†5:17 (17-19) MP: Messiah is both God and man. (Zech 13:7)
‡5:17 (17-23) MP: Messiah will bear reproach, for God’s sake. (Ps 69:7)
§5:18 . MP: Messiah is both God and man. (Zech 12:10b)
*5:19 . MP: Messiah is everlasting with the authority of his father (Yahweh and ancestor David). Now the Hebrew idiom “Eternal Father” in the context of a ruler on David’s throne (Is 9:7). Eternal father could mean “The ruler with authority to pass on or deny access to eternal life”. (Is 9:6b)
†5:19 (19-20) MP: God leads and guides the Messiah in righteous. (Is 42:6a)
‡5:19 (+30) MP: Messiah has the Spirit of the Fear of God. (Deut 6:24, 10:12; Jer 32:38 context of Jer 31:31-33 covenant with a new spirit and a new heart). (Is 11:2c)
§5:22 (+30) MP: “Right Judgments” refers not to specific Torah Commands already given, but the whole power and authority of his role as King. This explains why the following verses describe how the Messiah rules. (Ps 72:2)
*5:22 (22-24) MP: Messiah’s Kingdom subjects possess protection, deliverance, and salvation by Him, and all spiritual blessings in His Kingship (Is 32:17-18; Jer 33:15-16). This evidence shows He is the promised seed (Gen 12:7, 22:18; Gal 3:16), in whom all nations should be blessed (Ps 72:17). (Ps 72:2-7)
†5:22 (22-24) (+29) MP: The descendant of David is “Branch of Righteousness” and fulfills God’s good promises, establishing justice and righteousness and peace. The name to describe Jerusalem under his authority is “Yahweh Our righteousness”. (Jer 33:14-16)
‡5:23 (23-24) MP: Messiah comes bearing strength and rewards accordingly. (Is 40:10)
§5:23 (23-24) MP: Messiah will offer salvation to all mankind. (Joel 2:28-30)
*5:23 . MP: Trusting in Yahweh God also means to trust in his Servant Messiah. (Is 50:10)
†5:30 . MP: Messiah comes to do God’s will. (Ps 40:7-8 (context 40:6-10))
‡5:30 . MP: Messiah is everlasting with the authority of his father (Yahweh and ancestor David). Now the Hebrew idiom “Eternal Father” in the context of a ruler on David’s throne (Is 9:7). Eternal father could mean “The ruler with authority to pass on or deny access to eternal life”. (Is 9:6b)
§5:30 . MP: Messiah is just. (Zech 9:9c)
*5:30 . MP: Messiah will act with righteousness. (Ps 45:7)
†5:37 (37-40) MP: Messiah reaches out to rebellious Israel. (Is 65:2)
‡5:39 . MP: Messiah will say the scriptures were written of him. (Ps 40:7 (context 40:6-10))
§5:43 (context 5:14-47) MP: Combined with (Ps 2:6-7, 2:12), this Son is the King whom God installs in Zion and who has a special unique relationship to God. His wrath is not something to be desired. (See also Prov 30:4c). (Ps 2:6-7, 2:12)
*5:43 (context 5:14-47) MP: Statement and question, what is the name of “Son” of God. Consider in connection with (Ps 2:6-7) God’s King has become God’s son and (Ps 2:12) kiss the son / give reverence to the son lest he be angry and you perish. (See also 1 John 2:22-24). (Prov 30:4c)