Parashah 24:
Haftarah Vayikra ·Taking leave· ·And he called·:
Yesha'yahu / Isaiah 43:21-44:19
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Mark 7:1-30
Parashah 25:
Haftarah Tzav ·Taking leave· ·Enjoin·:
Yirmeyahu / Jeremiah 7:21-8:3, 9:23-24
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Mark 7:31-9:1
Parashah 26:
Haftarah Sh'mini ·Taking leave· ·Eighth·:
Sh'mu'el Bet / 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17 (A); 6:1-19 (S)
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Mark 9:2-13
Parashah 27:
Read with Parashah 28 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah Tazria ·Taking leave· ·She conceives·:
M'lakhim Bet / 2 King 4:42-5:19
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Mark 9:14-50
Parashah 28:
Read with Parashah 27 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah M'tzora ·Taking leave· ·Person afflicted with tzara'at·:
M'lakhim Bet / 2 King 7:3-20
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Luke 9:51-10:42
Parashah 29:
Read with Parashah 30 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah Acharei Mot ·Taking leave· ·After the Death·:
Yechezk'el / Ezekiel 22:1-19 (A); 22:1-16 (S)
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: John 7:1-52
Parashah 30:
Read with Parashah 29 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah K'doshim ·Taking leave· ·Holy people / Set-apart people·:
'Amos /Amos 9:7-15 (A); Yechezk'el / Ezekiel 20:2-20 (S)
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: John 7:53-10:21
Parashah 31:
Haftarah Emor ·Taking leave· ·Speak·:
Yechezk'el / Ezekiel 44:15-31
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Luke 11:1-12:59
Parashah 32:
Read with Parashah 33 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah B'har ·Taking leave· ·On mount·:
Yirmeyahu / Jeremiah 32:6-27
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Luke 13:1-33
Parashah 33:
Read with Parashah 32 in regular years; in leap years, read separately
Haftarah B'chukkotai ·Taking leave ·In my regulations·:
Yirmeyahu / Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
B'rit Hadashah ·New Covenant·: Luke 14:1-15:32
Chazak, chazak v'nitchazek! ·Be Strong, be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous!· (2 Samuel 10:12)