Thou shalt not see thy brother’s ox, either sheep, erring or wandering, and shalt pass thereby, but thou shalt bring it again to thy brother.
And if thy brother is not nigh, neither thou knowest him, thou shalt lead those beasts into thine house, and those [or they] shall be with thee, as long as thy brother seeketh them, and till he receive them.
In like manner thou shalt do of thy brother’s ass, and of his cloth, and of each thing of thy brother, that was lost; if thou findest it, be thou not negligent, as of an alien thing.
If thou seest that the ass, either the ox, of thy brother hath fallen in the way, thou shalt not despise, but thou shalt raise with him.
A woman shall not be clothed in a man’s clothes, neither a man shall use a woman’s clothes; for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
If thou goest in the way, and findest a bird’s nest in a tree, either in the earth, and findest the mother sitting on the birds, either [the] eggs, thou shalt not hold the mother with the children,
but thou shalt suffer the mother[to] go, and shalt hold the sons taken, that it be well to thee, and that thou live in long time.
When thou buildest a new house, thou shalt make a wall of the roof by compass, lest blood be shed out in thine house, and thou be guilty, if another man slideth, and falleth into a ditch.
Thou shalt not sow thy vinery [or vineyard] with another seed, lest both the seed which thou hast sown, and those things that come forth of the vinery [or vineyard], that is, the fruit of the vinery, be defouled*The Hebrew word here signifieth both ‘defouling’ and ‘hallowing’. together.
10 Thou shalt not ear with an ox and an ass together.
11 Thou shalt not be clothed in a cloth, which is woven together of wool and of flax.
12 Thou shalt make little cords by four corners in the hems of thy mantle, with which thou art covered.
13 If a man weddeth a wife, and afterward hateth her,
14 and seeketh occasions by which he may leave her, and he putteth against her the worst name, and saith, I have taken this wife, and I have entered to her, and I found not her a virgin;
15 the father and mother of her shall take her, and they shall bear with them the tokens of her virginity to the elder men of the city, that be in the gate;
16 and her father shall say, I gave my daughter wife to this man, and for he hateth her,
17 he putteth to her the worst name, that he saith, I found not thy daughter a virgin; and lo! these be the tokens of the virginity of my daughter; they shall spread forth a cloth before the elder men of the city.
18 And the elder men of that city shall take the man, and shall beat him,
19 and furthermore they shall con-demn him in an hundred shekels of silver, which he shall give to the father of the damsel, for he defamed her by the worst name that may be upon a virgin of Israel; and he shall have her to wife, and he shall not be able to forsake her, in all his lifetime.
20 That if it is found sooth, that he putteth against her, and virginity is not found in the damsel,
21 they shall cast her out of her father’s gates; and men of that city shall oppress her with stones, and she shall die, for she did [an] unleaveful thing in Israel, that she did lechery in her father’s house; and so thou shalt do away evil from the midst of thee.
22 If a man sleepeth with the wife of another man, ever either shall die, that is, the adulterer, and the adulteress; and thus thou shalt do away evil from Israel.
23 If a man espouseth a damsel virgin [or a woman maiden], and another man findeth her in the city, and doeth lechery with her,
24 thou shalt lead ever either to the gate of that city, and they shall be killed with stones; the damsel shall be stoned, for she cried not, when she was in the city; the man shall be stoned, for he defouled his neighbour’s wife; and thus thou shalt do away evil from the midst of thee.
25 But if a man findeth in the field a damsel, which is espoused, and he taketh her, and doeth lechery with her, he alone shall die;
26 the damsel shall suffer nothing of evil, neither is guilty of death; for as a thief riseth against his brother, and slayeth him, so and the damsel suffered;
27 she was alone in the field, she cried, and none was present, that should deliver her.
28 If a man findeth a damsel virgin [or a woman maiden], that hath no spouse, and taketh, and doeth lechery with her, and the thing cometh to the doom,
29 he that slept with her shall give to the father of the damsel fifty shekels of silver, and he shall have her to wife, for he made her low; he shall not be able to forsake her, in all the days of his life.
30 A man shall not take his father’s wife, neither he shall show her privates.

*CHAPTER 22:9 The Hebrew word here signifieth both ‘defouling’ and ‘hallowing’.