And the word of the Lord was made to me, and he said,
Son of man, what shall be done to the tree of a vine, of all the trees of woods, that be among the trees of woods?
Whether tree, or timber, shall be taken thereof, that work be made? either shall a stake be made thereof, that any vessel hang thereon?
Lo! it is given [to the fire] into meat; [the] fire wasted ever either part thereof, and the midst thereof is driven into a dead spark; whether it shall be profitable to work?
Yea, when it was whole, it was not covenable to work; how much more when fire hath devoured, and hath burnt it, nothing of work shall be made thereof?
Therefore the Lord God saith these things, As the tree of a vine is among the trees of woods, which I gave to fire to devour, so I gave the dwellers of Jerusalem,
and I shall set my face against them. They shall go out of the fire, and then another fire shall waste them; and ye shall know, that I am the Lord, when I shall set my face against them,
and shall give the land without a way and desolate, for they were trespassers, saith the Lord God.