And the Lord said to me, Take to thee a great book, and write therein with the pointel or stylus of man, Swiftly draw thou away spoils, take thou prey soon.
And I gave to me faithful witnesses, Uriah, the priest, and Zechariah, the son of Jeberechiah.
And I nighed to the prophetess; and she conceived, and childed a son. And the Lord said to me, Call thou his name, Haste thou to draw away spoils, haste thou for to take prey.
For why before that the child know how to call his father and his mother, the strength of Damascus shall be done away, and the spoils of Samaria, before the king of Assyrians.
And the Lord added to speak yet to me, and he said,
For that thing that this people hath cast away the waters of Shiloah, that go with silence, and hath taken more [to] Rezin, and the son of Remaliah,
for this thing lo! the Lord shall bring [up] on them the strong and many waters of the flood, the king of Assyrians, and all his glory; and he shall ascend [or go up] on all the streams thereof, and he shall flow on all the rivers thereof.
And he shall go flowing by Judah, and he shall pass till to the neck, and shall come; and the spreading forth of his wings shall be, and shall fill the breadth of thy land, thou Immanuel.
Peoples, be ye gathered together, and be ye overcome; and all lands afar, hear ye. Be ye comforted, and be ye overcome; gird ye you, and be ye overcome;
10 take ye counsel, and it shall be destroyed; speak ye a word, and it shall not be done, for God is with us.
11 For why the Lord saith these things to me, as he taught me in a strong hand, that I should not go into the way of this people, and said,
12 Say ye not, It is swearing together, for why all things which this people speaketh is swearing together; and dread ye not the fearedfulness thereof, neither be ye afeared.
13 Hallow ye the Lord himself of hosts; and he shall be your inward dread, and he shall be your feared-fulness, and he shall be to you into hallowing.
14 Forsooth he shall be into a stone of hurting, and into a stone of stumbling, to twain [or the two] houses of Israel; into a snare, and into falling, to them that dwell in Jerusalem.
15 And full many of them shall stumble, and shall fall, and they shall be all-broken, and they shall be bound, and shall be taken.
16 Bind thou [the] witnessing, mark thou the law in my disciples.
17 I shall abide the Lord, that hath hid his face from the house of Jacob, and I shall abide him.
18 Lo! I and my children, which the Lord gave to me into a sign, and great wonder to Israel, of the Lord of hosts that dwelleth in the hill of Zion.
19 And when they say to you, Ask ye of conjurers, and of false diviners, that gnash in their enchantings, whether the people shall not ask of their God a revelation, for quick men and [the] dead?
20 It is to go to the law more rather, and to the witnessing, that if they say not after this word, morrowtide light shall not be to them.
21 And it shall pass by that, and it shall fall down, and it shall hunger. And when it shall hunger, it shall be wroth, and shall curse his king and his God, and it shall behold upward.
22 And it shall look to the earth, and lo! tribulation, and darknesses, and unbinding, either discomfort, and anguish, and mist pursuing; and it shall not be able to flee away from his anguish.