Woe! [to] Ariel, Ariel, the city which David overcame; year is added to year, solemnities be passed.
And I shall compass Ariel, and it shall be sorrowful and mourning; and Jerusalem shall be to me as Ariel.
And I shall compass as a round spear, either trundle, in thy compass, and I shall cast [an heap of] earth against thee, and I shall set strongholds, either engines, into thy besieging.
Thou shalt be made low, thou shalt speak of [the] earth, and thy speech shall be heard from the earth; and thy voice shall be as the voice of a dead man raised by conjuring, and thy speech shall oft grutch of the earth.
And the multitude of them that winnowed thee, shall be as thin dust; and the multitude of them that had the mastery against thee, shall be as [a] dead spark passing. And it shall be suddenly,
anon it shall be visited of the Lord of hosts, in thunder, and in moving of the earth, and in great voice of whirlwind, and of tempest, and of flame of fire devouring.
And the multitude of all folks that fought against Ariel shall be as the dream of a night’s vision; and all men that fought, and besieged, and had the mastery against it.
And as an hungry man dreameth, and eateth, but when he is awakened, his soul is void; and as a thirsty man dreameth, and drinketh, and after that he is awakened, he is weary, and thirsteth yet, and his soul is void; so shall be the multitude of all folks, that fought against the hill of Zion.
Be ye astonied, and wonder; wake ye, and doubt ye; be ye drunk, and not of wine; be ye moved, and not with drunkenness.
10 For the Lord hath meddled [or mingled] to you the spirit of sleep; he shall close your eyes, and [he] shall cover your prophets, and princes that see visions.
11 And the vision of all prophets shall be to you as the words of a book asealed; which when they shall give to him that knoweth letters, they shall say, Read thou this book; and he shall answer, I may not, for it is asealed.
12 And the book shall be given to him that knoweth not letters, and it shall be said to him, Read thou; and he shall answer, I know no letters.
13 And the Lord said, For that this people nigheth with their mouth, and glorifieth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; and they dreaded me for the commandment and teachings of men,
14 therefore lo! I shall add, that I make [great] wondering to this people, in a great miracle and wonderful; for why wisdom shall perish from wise men thereof, and the understanding of prudent men thereof shall be hid.
15 Woe to you that be deep of heart, that ye hide counsel from the Lord; the works of which be in darknesses, and they say, Who seeth us, and who knoweth us?
16 This thought of you is wayward, as if clay think against a potter, and the work say to his maker, Thou madest not me; and a thing made, say to his maker, Thou understandest not.
17 Whether not yet in a little time and short, the Lebanon shall be turned into Carmel, and Carmel shall be areckoned into the forest?
18 And in that day deaf men shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of blind men shall see from darknesses and misty;
19 and mild men shall increase gladness in the Lord, and poor men shall make full out joy in the Holy of Israel.
20 For he that had the mastery, failed, and the scorner is ended, and all they be cut down that waked on wickedness;
21 which made men to do sin in word, and deceived a reprover in the gate, and bowed away in vain from a just [or rightwise] man.
22 For this thing the Lord, that again-bought Abraham, saith these things to the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not be confounded now, neither now his cheer shall be ashamed;
23 but when he shall see his sons, the works of mine hands, hallowing my name in the midst of him. And they shall hallow the Holy of Jacob, and they shall preach [the] God of Israel;
24 and they that err in spirit, shall know understanding, and idle men, either grutchers, shall learn the law.