A wise woman buildeth her house; and an unwise woman shall destroy with hands, that is, with her evil works, an house builded.
A man going in rightful [or right] way, and dreading God, is despised of him that goeth in the way of evil fame.
The rod of pride is in the mouth of a fool; the lips of wise men keep them.
Where oxen be not, the cratch is void; but where full many corns appear, there the strength of the ox is [made] open.
A faithful witness shall not lie; a guileful witness bringeth forth a leasing.
A scorner seeketh wisdom, and he findeth it not; the teaching of prudent men is easy.
Go thou against a man a fool; and he shall not know the lips of prudence.
The wisdom of a fell [or witting] man is to understand his way; and the unwariness of fools erreth.
A fool scorneth sin; grace shall dwell among just [or rightwise] men.
10 The heart that knoweth the bitter-ness of his soul; a stranger shall not be meddled [or mingled] in the joy thereof.
11 The house of wicked men shall be done away; the tabernacles of just [or rightwise] men shall burgeon.
12 Soothly a way is, that seemeth just [or rightwise] to a man; but the last things thereof lead forth to death.
13 Laughing shall be meddled [or mingled] with sorrow; and mourning occupieth the last things of joy.
14 A fool shall be filled with his ways; and a good man shall be above him.
15 An innocent man believeth to each word; a fell [or witting] man beholdeth his goings.
16 A wise man dreadeth, and boweth away from evil; a fool skippeth over, and trusteth.
17 A man unpatient shall work folly; and a guileful man is odious.
18 Little men of wit shall hold folly; and fell [or witting] men shall abide knowing.
19 Evil men shall lie down before good men; and unpious men before the gates of just [or rightwise] men.
20 A poor man shall be hateful, yea, to his neighbour; but many men be friends of rich men.
21 He that despiseth his neighbour, doeth sin; but he that doeth mercy to a poor man, shall be blessed.
22 He that believeth in the Lord, loveth mercy; they err that work evil. Mercy and truth make ready goods;
23 abundance shall be in each good work or in every good work. Soothly where full many words be, there neediness is oft.
24 The crown of wise men is the riches of them; the folly of fools is unwariness.
25 A faithful witness delivereth souls; and a false man bringeth forth leasings.
26 In the dread of the Lord is trust of strength; and hope shall be to the sons of him.
27 The dread of the Lord is a well of life; that it bow away from the falling of death.
28 The dignity of the king is in the multitude of people; and the shame of a prince is in the fewness of people.
29 He that is patient, is governed by much wisdom; but he that is unpatient, enhanceth his folly.
30 Health of heart is the life of flesh; envy is[the] rot of bones.
31 He that falsely challengeth a needy man, despiseth his Maker; but he that hath mercy on a poor man, honoureth his Maker.
32 A wicked man is put out for his malice; but a just [or rightwise] man hopeth in his death.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of a wise man; and he shall teach all unlearned men.
34 Rightfulness [or Rightwiseness] raiseth [up] a folk; sin maketh peoples wretches.
35 A servant understanding is accept-able to a king; a servant unprofitable shall suffer the wrathfulness of him.