To the victory, [the psalm]of David. The unwise man said in his heart, God is not. They be corrupt, and they be made abominable in their studies; none there is that doeth good, none is till to one*Compare Psalm 14:1-7 to Psalm 53:1-6..
The Lord beheld from heaven on the sons of men; that he see, if any is understanding, either seeking God.
All bowed away, altogether they be made unprofitable; none is that doeth good, none is till to one. The throat of them is an open sepulchre, they did guilefully with their tongues; the venom of snakes is under their lips. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; their feet be swift to shed out blood. Sorrow and cursed-ness is in the ways of them, and they knew not the way of peace; the dread of God is not before their eyes.
Whether all men that work wicked-ness shall not know; that devour my people, as meat of bread? They called not the Lord;
they trembled there for dread, where was no dread; for the Lord is in a rightful [or rightwise] generation.
Thou hast shamed the counsel of a poor man; for the Lord is his hope.
Who shall give from Zion health to Israel? When the Lord hath turned away the captivity of his people; Jacob shall fully be joyful or shall full out joy, and Israel shall be glad.

*PSALM 14:1 Compare Psalm 14:1-7 to Psalm 53:1-6.