1 Sing ye a new song to the Lord; all earth, sing ye to the Lord.
2 Sing ye to the Lord, and bless ye his name; tell ye his health from day into day.
3 Tell ye his glory among heathen men; his marvels among all peoples.
4 For the Lord is great, and worthy to be praised full much; he is feared-ful above all gods.
5 For all the gods of heathen men be fiends; but the Lord made heavens.
6 Acknowledging and fairness is in his sight; holiness and worthy doing is in his hallowing.
7 Ye countries of heathen men, bring to the Lord, bring ye glory and honour to the Lord;
8 bring ye to the Lord glory to his name. Take ye sacrifices, and enter ye into the halls of him;
9 praise ye the Lord in his holy hall. All earth be moved of his face;
10 say ye among heathen men, that the Lord hath reigned. And he hath amended the world, that shall not be moved; he shall deem peoples in equity.
11 Heavens be glad, and the earth make full out joy, the sea and the fullness thereof be moved altogether;
12 fields shall make joy, and all things that be in those [or them]. Then all the trees of woods shall make full out joy,
13 for the face of the Lord, for he cometh; for he cometh to deem the earth. He shall deem the world in equity; and peoples in his truth.