The psalm of David. My God, king, I shall enhance thee; and I shall bless thy name into the world, and into the world of world.
By all days I shall bless thee; and I shall praise thy name into the world, and into the world of the world.
The Lord is great, and worthy to be praised full much; and none end there is of his greatness.
Generation and generation shall praise thy works; and they shall pro-nounce, either tell afar, thy power.
They shall speak of the magnifi-cence of the glory of thine holiness; and they shall tell of all thy marvels.
And they shall say of the strength of thy fearedful things; and they shall tell of thy greatness.
They shall bring forth the mind of the abundance of thy sweetness; and they shall tell with full out joying of thy rightfulness [or rightwiseness].
The Lord is a merciful doer and merciful in will; patient, and much merciful.
The Lord is sweet in all things; and his merciful doings be above all his works.
10 Lord, all thy works acknowledge to thee; and thy saints bless thee.
11 They shall say [of] the glory of thy realm; and they shall speak of thy power.
12 That they make thy power known to the sons of men; and the glory of the magnificence of thy realm.
13 Thy realm is the realm of all worlds; and thy lordship is in all generation and into generation. The Lord is faithful in all his words; and holy in all his works.
14 The Lord lifteth up all that fall down; and raiseth up all men hurtled down.
15 Lord, the eyes of all beasts hope in thee; and thou givest the meat of them in covenable time.
16 Thou openest thine hand; and thou [ful] fillest each beast with blessing.
17 The Lord is just [or rightwise] in all his ways; and holy in all his works.
18 The Lord is nigh to all that inward-ly call him; to all that inwardly call him in truth.
19 He shall do the will of them, that dread him; and he shall hear the beseeching of them, and he shall make them safe.
20 The Lord keepeth all men loving him; and he shall lose all sinners.
21 My mouth shall speak the praising of the Lord; and each man bless his holy name into the world, and into the world of world.