Do not thou for a friend be made an enemy to thy neighbour; for why an evil man shall inherit upbraiding and despising [or reproof and strife], and each sinner envious and double-tongued [or twisel-tongued].
Enhance thee not in the thought [or thinking] of thy soul, as a bull doeth; lest thy virtue [or thy strength] be hurtled down by folly,
and it eat thy leaves, and lose thy fruits, and thou be left as a dry tree in desert [or in wilderness].
Forsooth a wicked soul shall lose [or destroy] him that hath it, and it giveth him into the joy of the enemy, and it shall lead forth into the part of wicked men.
A sweet word multiplieth friends, and assuageth enemies; and a tongue well gracious shall be plenteous in a good man [or a gracious tongue in a good man shall abound].
Many peaceable men be to thee, and one of a thousand be a counsellor to thee.
If thou hast a friend, have him in temptation, that is, prove thou him in thine adversity, and betake not lightly [or not lightly open, or trust], thyself to him.
For there is a friend by his time, and he shall not dwell in the day of tribulation.
And there is a friend which is turned to enmity; and there is a friend, that shall show openly hatred, and chiding, and despisings, [or there is a friend, that hate, and strife, and reproofs shall discover].
10 Forsooth there is a friend, fellow of table, and dwelleth not in the day of need.
11 If a friend dwelleth steadfast, he shall be as a man even with thee, and he shall do trustily in thy menial [or homely] things.
12 If he meeketh himself before thee, and hideth him from thy face, thou shalt have good friendship of one accord [or of one will].
13 Be thou parted from thine enemies, and take heed of thy friends.
14 A faithful friend is a strong defending [or a strong protection]; forsooth he that findeth him, findeth treasure.
15 No comparison is to a faithful friend; weighing of gold and of silver is not worthy against the goodness of his faithfulness.
16 A faithful friend is medicine of life, and of undeadliness; and they that dread the Lord, shall find him.
17 He that dreadeth the Lord, shall have evenly good friendship [or evenly shall have good friendship]; for why his friend shall be at the likeness of him.
18 Son, from thy youth take thou doctrine, and till to [thine] hoar hairs thou shalt find wisdom.
19 As he that eareth, and that soweth, nigh thou to it, and abide thou the good fruits thereof. For thou shalt travail a little in the work thereof, and thou shalt eat soon of the generations thereof [or and soon thou shalt eat of the gettings of it].
20 Wisdom is over-sharp or full-sharp to untaught men, and an heart-less man shall not dwell therein.
21 As the virtue of a stone, proving shall be in them; and they shall not tarry to cast away it [or to throw it afar].
22 Forsooth the wisdom of teaching is by the name thereof, and it is not open to many men; but it dwelleth with them, of whom it is known, till to the sight of God.
23 Son, hear thou [or Hear, son], and take the counsel of understand-ing, and cast thou not away my counsel.
24 Set in thy foot into the stocks thereof, and thy neck into the bies [or collars] thereof.
25 Make subject [or Underlay] thy shoulder, and bear it, and be thou not annoyed in the bonds thereof.
26 In all thy will go to it, and in all thy virtue keep the ways thereof.
27 Inquire thou about it [or Ensearch it], and it shall be made open to thee; and thou made holding wisdom forsake not it.
28 For in the last things thou shalt find rest therein, and it shall turn [or it shall be turned] to thee into delight-ing.
29 And the stocks thereof shall be to thee in defence of strength, and the foundaments of virtue, and the bies, [or collars] thereof, into a stole of glory.
30 For why the fairness of life is in wisdom, and the bonds thereof be healful or healthful [or wholesome] binding.
31 Thou shalt wear it as a stole of glory, and thou shalt set [or put] on thee a crown of thanking.
32 Son, if thou takest heed to me, thou shalt learn wisdom; and if thou givest thy will, thou shalt be wise.
33 If thou bowest down thine ear, thou shalt take teaching; and if thou lovest for to hear, thou shalt be wise.
34 Stand thou in the multitude of prudent priests, and be thou joined of heart to the wisdom of them;
35 that thou mayest hear each telling [or all the telling] of God, and the proverbs of praising flee or fly not away [or escape not] from thee.
36 And if thou seest a wise man, wake thou to or watch him, and thy foot [often] tread on the grees of his doors.
37 Have thou thought in the commandments of God, and be thou most busy in his behests; and he shall give to thee [an] heart, and covetous-ness [or coveting] of wisdom shall be given to thee.