1 Peter, (an) apostle of Jesus Christ, to the chosen men, to the comelings of (the) scattering abroad, [or to the chosen guests, or (the) comelings, of (the) dispersion, or the scattering abroad], (or who be the newcomers, or the strangers, in the scattering abroad, or in the dispersion, or the Diaspora), of Pontus, of Galatia, of Cappadocia, of Asia, and of Bithynia,
2 by the before-knowing [or the prescience] of God, the Father, in (the) hallowing of (the) Spirit, (or by the consecrating, or the sanctifying, of the Spirit), by (the) obedience, and (the) sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace and peace be multiplied to you.
3 Blessed be God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which by his great mercy begat us again into (a) living hope, by the again-rising of Jesus Christ from death, [or by the again-rising of Jesus Christ from (the) dead], (or by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead),
4 into (a) heritage uncorruptible, and undefouled, and that shall not fade, that is kept in heavens for you, (to an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance, that shall not fade, and that is kept for you in heaven,)
5 that in the virtue of God be kept by the faith into health, and is ready to be showed in the last time. (who by the power of God be kept by the faith unto salvation, and is ready to be shown on the Last Day or at the Time of the End.)
6 In which ye shall make joy, though it behooveth now a little to be sorry in diverse temptations; (On which Day ye shall have joy, though it behooveth now to be sorrowful for a while, enduring different tests;)
7 (so) that the proving of your faith be much more precious than gold, that is proved by fire; and be found into praising, and glory, and honour, in the revelation of Jesus Christ.
8 Whom when ye have not seen, ye love; into whom also now ye not seeing, believe; but ye that believe shall have joy, and gladness that may not be told out, (or but ye who believe shall have joy, yea, joy that cannot be told out), and ye shall be glorified,
9 and have [or bring again] the end of your faith, the health of your souls. (and receive the completion of your faith, yea, the salvation of your souls.)
10 Of which health prophets sought [out], (or Of which salvation the prophets sought out), and searched into, that prophesied of the grace to coming in you, [Of which health prophets sought out, and ensearched, that prophesied of the grace to come into you,]
11 and sought which either what manner time the Spirit of Christ signified in them, and before-told those passions that be in Christ, and the latter glories. (and sought at what time and in what manner the Spirit of the Messiah signified to them, and foretold the sufferings that be for the Messiah, and the latter glories.)
12 To which it was showed, for not to themselves, but to you they ministered those things, that now be told to you by them that preached to you by the Holy Ghost (or which now be told to you by those who preached to you through the Holy Spirit), sent from heaven, into whom angels desire to behold.
13 For which thing be ye gird the loins of your soul, sober (or resolute), perfect, and hope ye into that grace that is proffered to you by the showing of Jesus Christ [or and hope ye into that grace that is offered to you by the revelation of Jesus Christ],
14 as sons of obedience, not made like to the former desires of your uncunningness, (or your unknowingness), [or of your ignorance],
15 but like him that hath called you holy; (so) that also yourselves be holy in all living;
16 for it is written, Ye shall be holy, for I am holy.
17 And if ye inwardly call him Father, which deemeth without acception of persons by the work of each man, live ye in dread in the time of your pilgrimage [in, (or on), (the) earth]; (And if ye inwardly call him Father, who judgeth without respect for persons, or without favouritism, but rather, according to the works of each man, live ye in fearful reverence during the time of your pilgrimage on the earth;)
18 witting that not by corruptible gold, either silver, ye be bought again of your vain living of (your) fathers’ tradition, (knowing that not by corruptible gold, or silver, ye be redeemed, or released, from the empty and useless living of your fathers’ traditions,)
19 (no) but by the precious blood as of the lamb undefouled and unspotted, Christ Jesus, (but rather, by the precious blood as of an undefiled and unspotted lamb, yea, the Messiah Jesus,)
20 that was known before the making of the world, but he is showed in the last times, for you (who was known before the creation of the world, but he was shown in these Last Times, for you)
21 that by him be faithful in God; that raised him from death [or that raised him from (the) dead], and gave to him everlasting glory, (so) that your faith and hope were in God.
22 And make ye chaste your souls in obedience of charity, in love of (the) brotherhood; of simple heart love ye together more busily (or with a sincere heart love one another more diligently).
23 And be ye born again, not of corruptible seed, but [of] uncorruptible (seed), by the word of (the) living God, and dwelling into without end (or and living forever).
24 For each flesh is(as) hay, and all the glory of it is as the flower of hay; the hay dried up, and his (or its) flower felled down;
25 but the word of the Lord dwelleth [into] without end (or but the word of the Lord remaineth forever). And this is the word, that is preached to you.