Paul, (an) apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, and Timothy, (a) brother, to the church of God that is at Corinth, with all (the) saints that be in all Achaia (or with all of God’s people who be in all of Achaia),
grace (be) to you, and (the) peace of God our Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, (the) Father of mercies, and (the) God of all comfort,
which comforteth us in all our tribulation, that also we may comfort them, that be in all dis-ease [or in all pressure] by the admonishing by which also we be admonished of God. (who comforteth us in all our trials, so that we can also comfort those, who be under great pressure, by the admonishing by which we also be admonished by God.)
For as the passions of Christ be plenteous in us, so also by Christ our comfort is plenteous. (For as the sufferings of the Messiah be plentiful in us, so also through the Messiah our comfort is plentiful.)
And whether we be in tribulation, [or be troubled, or be pursued], (or be persecuted), for your tribulation and health (or salvation), either we be comforted, for your comfort, either we be admonished, for your admonishing and health (or salvation). Which worketh in you the suffering of the same passions (or the same sufferings), which also we suffer,
that our hope be firm for you; witting for as ye be fellows of passions, so ye shall be also of comfort. (so that our hope for you be firm; knowing that as ye be my fellows in sufferings, so ye shall also be my fellows in comfort.)
For, brethren, we will, that ye know of our tribulation, that was done in Asia; for over-measure we were grieved over-might [or above virtue], so that it distressed us, yea, to live. (For brothers, we desire, that ye know of our trouble, that we had in Asia; for over-measure we were grieved more than our strength could endure, so that it distressed us, yea, to live.)
But we in us-selves had (the) answer, [or (the) certainty], of death, (so) that we trust not in us, but in God that raiseth dead men (or but in God who raiseth the dead).
10 Which delivered us, and delivereth from so great perils, into whom we hope, also yet he shall deliver,
11 while also ye help in prayer for us; (so) that of the persons of many faces of that giving that is in us, thankings [or graces] be done for us by many men to God.
12 For our glory is this, the witnessing of our conscience (or the testimony of our conscience), that in (the) simpleness and cleanness of God (or with godly sincerity), and not in fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of God, we lived in this world, but more plenteously to you.
13 And we write not other things to you, than those that ye have read and know, and I hope that into the end ye shall know,
14 as also ye have known us a part; for we be your glory, as also ye be ours in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 And in this trusting I would first come to you, that ye should have the second grace (or so that ye would have a second blessing),
16 and pass by you into Macedonia, (or and pass by you, or visit you, on the way to Macedonia), and again from Macedonia come to you, and of you be led into Judea.
17 But when I would (do) this thing, whether I used unsteadfastness, either those things that I think, I think after the flesh, (so) that at me be, it is and it is not? [+Forsooth when I would (do) this thing, whether I used lightness, either unsteadfastness, or those things that I think, I think after the flesh, (so) that there be at me, is and is not, or yea and nay?]
18 But God is true, for our word that was at you, is and is not, is not therein, but is is in it. [+Forsooth God is true, for our word that was at you, there is not in it yea and nay/there is not in it is and nay, but is, that is (the) truth, is in it.]
19 For why Jesus Christ, the Son of God, which is preached among you by us (or who was preached among you by us), by me, and Silvanus, and Timothy, there was not in him, is and is not, but is was in him. [+Soothly Jesus Christ, the son of God, that is preached in you by us, by me, and by Silvanus, and Timothy, there was not in him yea and nay, but is, or yea, was in him/but in him was is.]
20 For why how many ever be (the) promises of God, in that is, be fulfilled, [or Forsooth how many ever be (the) promises of God, in him is, that is, they be fulfilled in him]. And therefore by him we say Amen to God, to our glory.
21 Soothly it is God that confirmeth us with you in Christ, and which anointed us, (Truly it is God who confirmeth us with you in the Messiah, and who anointed us,)
22 and which marked us, and gave (the) earnest [or a wed] of the Spirit in our hearts. (and who sealed us, and put the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts.)
23 For I call God to witness against my soul (or For I call upon God to testify about my soul), that I sparing you came not over to Corinth;
24 not that we be lords of your faith, but (that) we be helpers of your joy; for through belief ye stand (or for ye stand by faith).