Forsooth Moab trespassed against Israel, after that Ahab was dead. (After Ahab died, Moab rebelled against Israel.)
And Ahaziah felled through the alures of his solar, which he had in Samaria, and was (made) sick; and he sent messengers, and said to them, Go ye, and counsel (with) Baalzebub, [the] god of Ekron, whether I may live after this sickness of me. (And Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his solarium, which he had in Samaria, and was injured; and he sent out messengers, and said to them, Go ye, and counsel with Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, to see whether I shall recover from this injury of mine.)
Forsooth the angel of the Lord spake to Elijah of Tishbe, and said, Rise thou, and go down into the meeting of the messengers of the king of Samaria; and thou shalt say to them, Whether God is not in Israel, that ye go to counsel Baalzebub, [the] god of Ekron? (or Is God not in Israel, so that ye must go to counsel with Beelzebub, the god of Ekron?)
For which thing the Lord saith these things, Thou shalt not go down off the bed, on which thou ascendedest, (but thou shalt die). And Elijah went (forth).
And the messengers turned again to Ahaziah. And he said to them, Why turned ye again? (And the messengers returned to Ahaziah. And he said to them, Why have ye returned?)
And they answered to him, A man met us, and said to us, Go ye, turn ye again to the king, that sent you; and ye shall say to him, The Lord saith these things, Whether for God was not in Israel, thou sendest, that Baalzebub, [the] god of Ekron, be counselled? Therefore thou shalt not go down off the bed, on which thou ascendedest, but thou shalt die by death. (And they answered to him, A man met us, and said to us, Go ye, return ye to the king, who sent you; and ye shall say to him, The Lord saith these things, Thinkest thou that God was not in Israel, and thou sentest out messengers, so that Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, could be counselled with? And so thou shalt not go down off the bed, on which thou liest, but thou shalt die.)
Which Ahaziah said to them, Of what figure and habit is that man, that met you, and spake to you these words?
And they said, An hairy man, and gird with a girdle of leather in the reins. Which said to them, It is Elijah of Tishbe. (And they said, A hairy man, and girded with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said to them, It is Elijah of Tishbe.)
And he sent to Elijah a prince of fifty, and [the] fifty men that were under him. Which prince ascended to him, and said to him, sitting in the top of the hill, Man of God, the king commandeth, that thou come down. (And he sent to Elijah a leader of fifty men, and the fifty men who were under him. Which leader went up to him, and said to him, as he was sitting on the hilltop, Man of God, the king commandeth, that thou come down.)
10 And Elijah answered, and said to the prince of fifty men (or and said to the leader of fifty men), If I am the man of God, (let) fire come down from heaven, and devour thee and thy fifty men. Therefore fire came down from heaven, and devoured him, and the fifty men that were with him.
11 Again he sent to Elijah another prince of fifty, and fifty men with him, which spake to Elijah, Man of God, the king saith these things, Haste thou, come thou down. (And he sent to Elijah another leader of fifty men, and the fifty men who were with him, who spoke to Elijah, and said, Man of God, the king saith these things, Hasten thou, come thou down.)
12 Elijah answered, and said, If I am the man of God, (let) fire come down from heaven, and devour thee and thy fifty men. Therefore the fire of God came down from heaven, and devoured him and his fifty men.
13 Again he sent the third prince of fifty men, and [the] fifty men that were with him. And when the prince had come, he bowed the knees against Elijah, (or And when the leader had come near, he bowed his knees before Elijah), and prayed him, and said, Man of God, do not thou despise my life, and the lives of (these fifty men), thy servants, that be with me.
14 Lo! fire came down from heaven, and devoured twain, the first (two) princes of fifty men, and the fifty men that were with them; but now, I beseech, that thou have mercy on my life. (Behold! fire came down from heaven, and devoured the first two leaders of fifty men, and the fifty men who were with each of them; but now, I beseech thee, that thou have mercy on my life.)
15 Forsooth the angel of the Lord spake to Elijah of Tishbe, and said, Go thou down with him; dread thou not (or do not thou fear). Therefore Elijah rose (up), and came down with him to the king;
16 and he spake to the king, (and said), The Lord saith these things, For thou sentest messengers to counsel Baalzebub, god of Ekron, as if no God were in Israel, of whom thou mightest ask a word; therefore thou shalt not go down off the bed, on which thou ascendedest, but thou shalt die by death. (and he spoke to the king, and said, The Lord saith these things, Because thou sentest out messengers to counsel with Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, as if God were not in Israel, of whom thou mightest ask a word; and so thou shalt not go down off the bed, on which thou liest, but thou shalt die.)
17 Therefore he was dead by the word of the Lord, which word Elijah spake; and Joram* Also known as Jehoram., his brother, reigned for him, in the second year of Jehoram Also known as Joram(!)., the son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah; for Ahaziah had no son.
18 Soothly the residue of [the] words of Ahaziah, which he wrought, whether these be not written in the book of [the] words of [the] days of the kings of Israel?

*CHAPTER 1:17 Also known as Jehoram.

CHAPTER 1:17 Also known as Joram(!).