Forsooth the tabernacle shall be made thus; thou shalt make ten curtains of bis folded again, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, made diverse by embroidery work. (And the Tabernacle shall be made thus; thou shalt make ten curtains out of finely woven linen, and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and embroider them with cherubim.)
The length of one curtain shall have eight and twenty cubits, the breadth shall be of four cubits; all the curtains*In the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘curtain/s’ and ‘tent/s’ are used interchangeably. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘curtain/s’ will be used in this context. As well, ‘say/s’ and ‘serge/s’ are also used for ‘curtain/s’; they appear in this text where they appear in the original text. shall be made of one measure. (The length of one curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth shall be four cubits; all the curtains shall have the same measurements.)
Five curtains shall be joined to themselves together, and other five shall cleave together by like bond. (Five curtains shall be joined to each other in one set, and another five shall be joined together in another set.)
Thou shalt make small rings, or eyelets, of jacinth in the sides, and in the heights of the curtains, that they may be coupled together. (And thou shalt put small eyelets, made out of jacinth, on the outer edge of one curtain in each set, so that the two sets can be joined together.)
One curtain shall have fifty eyelets in ever either part, so set in, that one eyelet come against another eyelet, and that the one curtain may be shaped to the tother. (Each set of curtains shall have fifty eyelets on an outer edge, and one eyelet shall come together with another eyelet, so that one set of curtains can be joined to the other set of curtains.)
And thou shalt make fifty golden rings, by which the veils of [the] curtains shall be joined, that one tabernacle be made. (And thou shalt make fifty gold fasteners, with which the two sets of curtains shall be joined together, and so one Tabernacle shall be made out of all the curtains.)
Also thou shalt make eleven says to cover the covering of the tabernacle; (And thou shalt make eleven curtains out of goats’ hair to make a tent over the Tabernacle;)
the length of one say shall have thirty cubits, and the breadth shall have four cubits; even measure shall be of all the says. (the length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and its breadth shall be four cubits; all these curtains shall have the same measurements.)
Of which thou shalt join five by themselves, and thou shalt couple six to themselves together, so that thou double the sixth say in the front of the roof. (And thou shalt join five together in one set, and the other six together in another set; and thou shalt fold the sixth curtain of the second set over double at the front of the Tabernacle.)
10 And thou shalt make fifty eyelets in the hem of [the] one say, that it may be joined to the tother; and fifty eyelets in the hem of the tother say, that it be coupled with the tother; (And thou shalt put fifty eyelets on the outer edge of the last curtain in the first set, and fifty eyelets on the joining edge of the second set;)
11 and thou shalt make fifty fastenings, or buckles, of brass, with which the (small) rings, or eyelets, of the curtains shall be joined together, and so one covering be made of all. (and thou shalt make fifty bronze fasteners, with which the eyelets of the curtains shall be joined together, and so one tent shall be made out of all of these curtains.)
12 Soothly that that is left (over) in the says, that be made ready to the covering, that is, (with the) one say that is more, of the half thereof, thou shalt cover the hinder part of the tabernacle; (And what is left over of the tent curtains, that is, the half curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the back part of the Tabernacle;)
13 and a cubit shall hang on [the] one part, and the tother cubit on the tother part, which cubit is more in the length of [the] says, and it shall cover ever either side of the tabernacle. (and out of the length of the tent curtains, one cubit shall hang over on one side, and another cubit on the other side, and so both sides of the Tabernacle shall be covered.)
14 And thou shalt make another covering to the roof, of skins of wethers made red, and over this thou shalt make again another covering of skins of jacinth. (And to cover the tent thou shalt make a covering out of red rams’ skins, and another covering to be placed on top of that, out of blue skins.)
15 Also thou shalt make [the] standing boardsIn the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘board/s’ and ‘table/s’ are used interchangeably to refer to construction materials. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘board/s’ will be used in this context. of the tabernacle, of the wood of shittim, (And thou shalt make the upright boards for the Tabernacle out of shittim wood, or acacia,)
16 which boards shall have each by themselves ten cubits in length, and in breadth a cubit and an half. (each board shall be ten cubits in length, and one and a half cubits in breadth.)
17 Forsooth two indentings shall be in the sides of a board, by which one board shall be joined to another board; and in this manner all the boards shall be made ready. (And there shall be two tenons on the bottom edge of each board, so that the boards can stand upright, side-by-side; and all the boards shall be prepared in this manner.)
18 Of which boards twenty shall be in the midday side, that goeth to the south; (Of which boards twenty shall be on the south side, facing south;)
19 to the which boards thou shalt set forty silveren bases, that two bases be set under each board, by two corners. (for which boards thou shalt make forty silver bases, so that two bases can be put under each board, to hold its tenons.)
20 And in the second side of the tabernacle, that goeth to the north, shall be twenty boards, (And on the second side of the Tabernacle, facing north, shall be twenty boards,)
21 having forty silveren bases; two bases shall be set under each board. (with forty silver bases; two bases shall be put under each board, to hold its tenons.)
22 Soothly at the west coast of the tabernacle thou shalt make six boards; (And for the west side, or for the back, of the Tabernacle, thou shalt make six boards;)
23 and again thou shalt make twain other boards, that shall be raised, or set up, in the corners on the back half of the tabernacle; (and thou shalt make two other boards, that shall be set up in the corners at the back of the Tabernacle;)
24 and the boards shall be joined to themselves from beneath till to above, and one joining shall withhold all the boards. And like joining shall be kept to the two boards, that shall be set in the corners, (and the boards shall be joined to each other from the bottom to the top, and the same joining shall hold all the boards together. And like joining shall be used for the two boards, that shall be put at the corners,)
25 and they shall be eight boards (al)together; the silveren bases of them shall be sixteen, while two bases be reckoned by one board. (and so altogether there shall be eight boards on the west side; and they shall have sixteen silver bases, with two bases under each board, to hold its tenons.)
26 Thou shalt make also five bars of [the] wood of shittim, to hold together the boards in one side of the tabernacle, (And thou shalt make five bars out of shittim wood, or acacia, to hold together the boards on one side of the Tabernacle,)
27 and five other bars in the other side, and of the same number at the west coast; (and five other bars for the other side, and the same number for the back, or the west side;)
28 the which bars shall be put through the middle (of the) boards from the one end till to the other. (and a middle bar, which shall be put in half-way up the boards, to run from one end of the Tabernacle to the other.)
29 And thou shalt overgild those boards, and thou shalt set golden rings in them, by the which rings, the bars shall hold together the work of the boards, the which bars thou shalt cover with golden plates. (And thou shalt gild those boards with gold, and thou shalt fasten gold rings to them, by which rings the bars shall hold the boards together, and thou shalt cover those bars with gold plates.)
30 And thou shalt raise up the tabernacle, by the exemplar that was showed to thee in the hill. (And thou shalt set up the Tabernacle after the example that was shown to thee on the mountain.)
31 Thou shalt make also a veil of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work, and woven together by fair diversity; (And thou shalt make the Veil out of jacinth, and purple, red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen, and embroider it with cherubim;)
32 which veil thou shalt hang before four pillars of the wood of shittim; and soothly those pillars shall be overgilt; and they shall have golden hooksIn the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘hook/s’ and ‘head/s’ are used interchangeably. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘hook/s’ will be used in this context., but the bases shall be silver. (which Veil thou shalt hang on four pillars made out of shittim wood, or acacia; and those pillars shall be gilded with gold, and they shall have gold hooks, and silver bases.)
33 Forsooth the veil shall be set in by the rings, within which veil thou shalt set the ark of witnessing, whereby the saintuary, and the saintuary of saintuaries, shall be separated. (And the Veil shall be hung under the fasteners of the Tabernacle, and thou shalt put the Ark of the Witnessing behind the Veil; and the Veil shall separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, or the Holy of Holies.)
34 And thou shalt set the propitiatory, that is, a golden table covering the ark of God, on the ark of [the] witnessing, into the holy of holy things; (And thou shalt set the propitiatory, that is, the gold lid, that covereth the Ark, onto the Ark of the Witnessing, in the Holy of Holies;)
35 and thou shalt set a board without the veil, and against the board thou shalt set the candlestick in the south side of the tabernacle; for the board shall stand in the north side. (and thou shalt put the table outside the Veil, and opposite the table thou shalt put the lampstand on the south side of the Tabernacle; for the table shall stand on the north side.)
36 Thou shalt make also a curtain in the entering of the tabernacle, of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work. (And thou shalt make a curtain for the entrance of the Tabernacle, out of jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen, and embroider it.)
37 And thou shalt overgild five pillars of [the] wood of shittim, before which pillars the curtain shall be led, of which pillars the hooks shall be of gold, and the bases of brass. (And thou shalt make five pillars out of shittim wood, or acacia, to hang the curtain on, and thou shalt gild the pillars with gold, and they shall have gold hooks, and bronze bases.)

*CHAPTER 26:2 In the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘curtain/s’ and ‘tent/s’ are used interchangeably. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘curtain/s’ will be used in this context. As well, ‘say/s’ and ‘serge/s’ are also used for ‘curtain/s’; they appear in this text where they appear in the original text.

CHAPTER 26:15 In the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘board/s’ and ‘table/s’ are used interchangeably to refer to construction materials. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘board/s’ will be used in this context.

CHAPTER 26:32 In the original text, throughout the rest of Exodus, ‘hook/s’ and ‘head/s’ are used interchangeably. To avoid confusion, and to enhance comprehension, only ‘hook/s’ will be used in this context.