The song of degrees. (A song for steps of ascending.) Lord, I cried to thee from the depths;
Lord, hear thou my voice. Thine ears be made attentive into the voice of my beseeching. (Lord, hear my voice. Let thy ears be made attentive to the words of my plea.)
Lord, if thou keepest wickednesses; Lord, who shall sustain, or abide? (Lord, if thou keepest a record of our wickednesses; then Lord, who shall survive? or then Lord, who will not be condemned?)
For mercy is at thee; (But there is mercy with thee, and I stand in awe of thee;)
and, Lord, for thy law I abode thee. My soul sustained in his word; (yea, Lord, I wait for thee. My soul is sustained, and I hope, and I trust, in his word.)
my soul hoped in the Lord. From the morrowtide keeping till to the night; (My soul waiteth for the Lord, more eagerly than those who wait for the morning light; yea, more eagerly than those who stand guard, or be on watch, until the morning light.)
Israel hope in the Lord. For why mercy is at the Lord; and plenteous redemption is at him. (Israel, trust in the Lord. For there is always love with the Lord; and there is plentiful redemption with him.)
And he shall again-buy Israel; from all the wickednesses thereof. (And he shall redeem the people of Israel; from all their wickednesses.)