Do not thou take heed to wicked possessions, and say thou not, Sufficient life is to me [or There is to me sufficient life], that is, long is to coming to me, therefore I must get many things; for it shall nothing profit in the time of vengeance, and of failing [or oppressing], either death.
Pursue thou not the covetousness of thine heart in thy strength, [Not follow thou in thy strength the coveting of thine heart,]
and say thou not, As I might, either, who shall make me subject for my deeds? For why God avenging shall avenge.
Say thou not, I have sinned, and what sorrowful thing befell to me? For the Highest is a patient yielder.
Of the forgiveness of sins, do not thou be without dread, neither heap thou, [or lay thou], sin upon sin.
And say thou not, The merciful doing of God is great [or The mercy of God is great]; he shall have mercy on the multitude of my sins. For why mercy and ire nigheth soon from him, and his ire beholdeth on sinners.
Tarry thou not to be converted to the Lord, and delay thou not [or put thou it off] from day into day. For why his ire shall come suddenly, and he shall lose (or destroy) thee in the time of vengeance.
Do not thou be anguished in unjust [or unright] riches; for those [or they] shall not profit in the day of failing, either of death, and of vengeance.
Winnow thee not into each wind, and go thou not into each way; for so a sinner is proved in (or with a) double tongue.
10 Be thou steadfast in the way of the Lord, and in truth and cunning (or the knowing) of thy wit; and the word of peace and of rightfulness [or of rightwiseness] pursue thee perfectly.
11 Be thou mild (or meek) to hear the word of God, (so) that thou understand, and with wisdom bring thou forth a true answer.
12 If thou hast understanding, answer thy neighbor; else thine hand be on thy mouth, lest thou be taken (or caught) in a word unwisely taught, and be ashamed.
13 Honour and glory is in the word of a wise man; but the tongue of an unprudent man is his destroying.
14 Be thou not called a privy evil speaker in thy life, and be thou not taken in (or with) thy tongue, and be ashamed. Shame and penance is on a thief, and worst shame, either cursing, is on a man of (or with a) double tongue. Forsooth hatred and enmity and despising is to a privy backbiter.
15 Justify thou a little man and a great man [or the little and the great] in like manner.