Do not thou do evils, and those shall not take [or catch] thee.
Depart thou from wickedness [or Go away from the wicked], and evils shall fail from thee.
Sow thou not evils in the furrows of unrightfulness [or unrightwiseness], and thou shalt not reap those in sevenfold.
Do not thou seek of (or from) a man (the) leading [or the dignity of a leader], neither of a king the chair of honour.
Justify thou not thee (or thyself) before God, for he is the knower of the heart; and do not thou desire to be seen wise with the king.
Do not thou seek to be made a judge, no but thou mayest break wickednesses by (thy) virtue; lest thou dread the face of a mighty man, and set slander (or a cause of stumbling) in thy swiftness.
Do not thou sin in (or against) the multitude of a city, neither send thee, (or thyself), (down) into the people;
neither bind thou [to] double sins, for thou shalt not be guiltless in one.
Do not thou be a coward in thy soul, to pray; and despise thou not to do alms-[deeds].
10 Say thou not, God shall behold in the multitude of my gifts; and when I shall offer to God alder-Highest [or to the highest God], he shall take my gifts.
11 Scorn thou not a man in the bitterness of (his) soul; for why God is the beholder, that maketh meek, and enhanceth (or exalteth).
12 Do not thou love a leasing (or a lie) against thy brother; neither do thou in like manner against a friend.
13 Do not thou desire to lie any leasing (or any lie); for why the continuance thereof [or the busyness forsooth of them] is not good.
14 Do not thou be a jangler [or full of words] in the multitude of priests; and rehearse thou not a word in thy prayer.
15 Hate thou not travailous works, and earth-tilthing, [or churlish doing] made of (or from) the Highest.
16 Areckon thou not thee in the multitude of unlearned men. Have thou mind on ire [or wrath], for it shall not tarry.
17 Make thou meek greatly thy spirit, for why the vengeance of the flesh of an unpious man is fire, and worm(s).
18 Do not thou trespass against thy friend delaying money; neither despise thou a full dearworth(y) brother for gold.
19 Do not thou depart [or go away] from a wise woman, and good, whom thou hast gotten in the dread of the Lord; for why the grace of her shame-fastness is above gold.
20 Hurt thou not a servant working in truth, neither an hired man giving his life.
21 A witty, (or a witting, or knowing) servant be dearworthy to thee as thy (own) soul; defraud thou not him of freedom, neither forsake thou him (when) needy.
22 Beasts be to thee? take thou heed to those [or them]; and if those [or they] be profitable, dwell those still at [or with] thee.
23 Sons be to thee? teach thou them, and bow thou them under chastising from their childhood.
24 Daughters be to thee? keep thou the body of them, and show thou not (a) glad face to them.
25 Give thy daughter to marriage, and thou doest a great work; and give thou her to a wise man.
26 If a woman is to thee after thy soul, cast her not away; and (or but) betake thou not thee in all thine heart to an hateful woman.
27 Honour thy father; and forget thou not the wailings of thy mother.
28 Have thou mind that thou haddest not been, no but by them, and yield thou to them as they did to thee.
29 In all thy soul dread thou God, and hallow thou his priests.
30 In all thy virtue (or strength) love thou him that made thee; and forsake thou not his ministers [or servants].
31 Honour thou God of (or with) all thy soul; and honour thou priests, and cleanse thee with (thine) arms, that is, by offerings gotten with thy travail. Give thou to them the part of the first fruits, and of purging, as also it is commanded to thee; and of thy negligence purge thou thee with few men. Thou shalt offer to the Lord the gift of thine arms, and the sacrifice of hallowing, the beginnings, that is, the first fruits and dimes (or tithes), of holy men [or holy things].
32 And (ad)dress (or direct)[or put forth] thine hand to a poor man, (so) that thy mercy and (thy) blessing be performed.
33 Grace is given [or Grace of gift] in the sight of each that liveth; and forbid thou not grace to a dead man.
34 Fail thou not in (or to do) comfort to them that weep; and go thou with them that mourn.
35 Be thou not slow to visit a sick man [or the sick]; for by these things thou shalt be made steadfast in love.
36 In all thy works have thou mind on [or have in mind] thy last things; and thou shalt not do sin without end.