1 Son, thou hast done sin? [or Son, hast thou sinned?] add thou (to it) not again; but beseech thou for the former sins, that those [or they] be forgiven to thee.
2 As from the face of a serpent [or a shadow adder] flee thou sins; and if thou nighest (or approachest) to them, those [or they] shall take thee. The teeth of a lion be(as) the teeth there-of, that slay the souls of men.
3 All wickedness is as a sharp sword on either side; health is not to the wound thereof [or of it].
4 Chidings and wrongs shall destroy chattel [or substance]; and an house that is over-rich, shall be destroyed by pride; so the chattel [or substance] of a proud man shall be drawn up by the root.
5 The prayer of a poor man shall come from the mouth unto (the) ears of God; and doom shall come to him hastily.
6 He that hateth reproving, is (in) a step of the sinner; and (or but) he that dreadeth God, shall be turned [or converted] to (him in) his heart.
7 A mighty man with an hardy tongue is known afar; and a witty (or a witting or a knowing) man can or knoweth how to keep himself [or to slide] from that man.
8 He that buildeth his house with other men’s costs, is as he that gather-eth his stones in winter.
9 Sheaves, or stubble, [or flax top(s)], gathered together is the synagogue of sinners; and the ending of them is the flame of fire.
10 The way of sinners is set (al)to-gether [or planted] with stones; and in the end of them be hells*It is said ‘hells’ in plural number, for many places be there., [or hell], and darknesses, and pains.
11 He that keepeth rightfulness, shall hold the wit (or the understanding) thereof. The perfection of God’s dread is wisdom and wit.
12 He shall not be taught, which is not wise in (what is) good. Forsooth unwisdom is, which is plenteous in evil; and wit is not, where (there) is bitterness. [He shall not be learned, that is not wise in good. There is forsooth unwisdom, that aboundeth in evil; and there is not wit, where is bitterness.]
13 The cunning, (or knowing, or the knowledge) of a wise man shall be plenteous as flowing (water); and the counsel of him dwelleth as a well of life.
14 The heart of a fool is as a broken vessel; and it shall not hold any wisdom.
15 Whatever wise word a cunning (or a knowing) man heareth, he shall praise (it), and lay to (or add to it). A lecherous man heard (it), and it shall displease him; and he shall cast [or throw] it away behind his back.
16 The telling of a fool is as a burden in (or on) the way; for why grace shall be found in (or on) the lips of a wise man.
17 The mouth of a prudent man is sought in the church; and men shall think (on) his words in their hearts.
18 As an house destroyed, so is wisdom to a fool; and the cunning (or the knowing) of an unwise man is words that may not be or be not able to be told out [or (that be) untellable].
19 Stocks in (or on) the feet is teach-ing [or doctrine] to a fool; and as bonds of hands on the right hand.
20 A fool enhanceth his voice in laughing; but a wise man shall laugh scarcely still.
21 Teaching is a golden ornament to a prudent man; and as an ornament of the arm [or an arm-circle] in (or on) the right arm.
22 The foot of a fool is light (or easily) into the house of a neighbour; and a wise man shall be ashamed of the person of a mighty man.
23 A fool beholdeth from the window into the house; but a learned man shall stand withoutforth.
24 It is folly of a man to harken by the door; and a prudent man shall be grieved by despising [or with strife].
25 The lips of unprudent men shall tell fond things [or follies]; but the words of prudent men shall be weigh-ed in a balance.
26 The heart of fools is in their mouth; and the mouth of wise men is in their heart.
27 When a wicked man curseth the devil, he curseth his own soul.
28 A privy backbiter shall defoul his soul, and in all things he shall be hated, and he that dwelleth, shall be hated; a still man and wise shall be honoured.