This appendix documents the rationale for three types of text-critical decisions in Revelation: depatures from 𝔐K, choice of variants when 𝔐K is split, and departures from Hodges and Farstad (HF) and Robinson and Pierpont (RP). Writing out numbers rather than using the abbreviated form is an editorial decision made to assist the modern reader. Consequently, such differences are not documented in the notes below.
1:11 φιλαδελφειαν 𝔐K-51 HF RP ¦ φιλαδελφιαν 𝔐K-26
Although 𝔐K is split, it leans heavily toward φιλαδελφειαν, which also has a much greater level of overall manuscript support. (See 3:7 below.)
1:13 υιω 𝔐K-28 RP ¦ υιον 𝔐K-53 HF
Although 𝔐K leans heavily toward υιον, the word ομοιον is always followed by the dative in Revelation, with the possible exception of 14:14, in which 𝔐K is again split between υιω and υιον.
1:14 ως 𝔐K-36 RP ¦ και ως 𝔐K-40 HF
For this variant 𝔐K is fairly evenly split. However, the omission of και has a much higher level of overall manuscript support.
1:17 επεσον 𝔐K-43 ¦ επεσα 𝔐K-39 HF RP
For this variant 𝔐K is fairly evenly split. However, in Revelation 22:8, επεσον is the clear reading of 𝔐K.
2:8 ος 𝔐K-18 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-63
The main reading of 𝔐K appears to be a case of omission due to homeoteleuton.
2:15 των 𝔐K-16 RP ¦ — 𝔐K-66 HF
The reading of 𝔐K appears to be an inadvertent omission.
2:18 θυατειροις 𝔐K-37 HF RP ¦ θυατειρη 𝔐K-31
Although 𝔐K is fairly evenly split, θυατειροις has a much higher level of overall manuscript support.
2:25 αν ηξω 𝔐K-17 HF RP ¦ ανοιξω 𝔐K-66
The main reading of 𝔐K is nearly unintelligible and appears to be a clear case of itacism.
2:27 κεραμικα 𝔐K-46 HF RP ¦ κεραμεικα 𝔐K-31
𝔐K leans toward κεραμικα, which also has a much higher level of overall manuscript support.
3:2 στηρισον 𝔐K-46 RP ¦ τηρησον 𝔐K-27 ¦ στηριξον 𝔐K-11 HF
𝔐K leans heavily toward στηρισον. It seems more likey that the letter σ would be inadvertently dropped than added. Furthermore, there is a much higher level of overall manuscript support for the inclusion of σ.
3:2 εμελλες 𝔐K-43 HF RP ¦ ημελλες 𝔐K-37
𝔐K leans slightly toward the letter ε. The letter ε has a much higher level of overall manuscript support, both here and in 10:4.
3:3 και ηκουσας και τηρει 𝔐K-4 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-80
𝔐K is largely unified in excluding the text. However, this appears to be a clear case of omission due to homeoarcton. The text still makes perfect sense even with the omission, so there would be no red flag prompting scribes to investigate the matter further.
3:5 ουτος 𝔐K-53 HF RP ¦ ουτω[ς] 𝔐K-30
Both variants make good sense. However, 𝔐K leans heavily toward ουτος, which also has a much higher level of overall manuscript support.
3:7 φιλαδελφεια 𝔐K-46 HF RP ¦ φιλαδελφια 𝔐K-39
𝔐K leans slightly toward φιλαδελφεια, which also has a higher level of overal support. (See 1:11 above.)
3:12 ονομα 𝔐K-72 ¦ ονομα μου 𝔐K-12 HF RP
Revelation 2:17 suggest that the new name is not the name of Christ. The phrase το ονομα το καινον in 3:12 appears to be a reference to the Septuagint translation of Isaiah 62:2, which reads το ονομα το καινον in some manuscripts and το ονομα σου το καινον in other manuscripts. Regardless of which variant the author of Revelation may have had in mind, the text would be referring to a new name the person was to receive rather than to a new name that Christ was to receive. Consequently, even though a minority of 𝔐K manuscripts (12) include μου, the vast majority of 𝔐K manuscripts (72) that omit μου appear to make better sense of the Isaiah 62:2 reference. Thus, I have decided to break from both HF and RP with respect to this variant unit. While το ονομα σου το καινον may seem awkward at first glance, the definite article is likely used in a possessive sense (his new name).
4:4 και κυκλοθεν 𝔐K-17 RP ¦ κυκλοθεν 𝔐K-62 HF
The reading of 𝔐K appears to be an inadvertent omission.
4:7 ζωον 𝔐K-7 RP ¦ — 𝔐K-78 HF
𝔐K is largely unified in excluding ζωον; only seven K manuscripts include it. However, the main reading of 𝔐K appears to be a clear case of omission due to homeoteleuton. Given that the author uses the word ζωον in describing the first three creatures, one would expect the author to use the word in describing the fourth creature as well.
4:8 τα 𝔐K-36 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-56
Although 𝔐K leans heavily toward the exclusion of the article, the inclusion of the article has a higher level of overall manuscript support. An indefinite reference to four living creatures that have already been mentioned make little sense and may have resulted from an inadvertent scribal omission of τα due to homeoarcton.
4:8 αγιος (9 times) 𝔐K-42 HF ¦ αγιος (3 times) 𝔐K-32 RP
𝔐K leans slightly toward the longer variant. If the shorter variant were original, it would be harder to explain the various counting mistakes that occur in manuscripts: αγιος 4 times (1 manuscript), αγιος 6 times (5 manuscripts), αγιος 7 times (1 manuscript), αγιος 8 times (4 manuscripts), and αγιος 13 times (1 manuscript). Both variants are attested in uncials, and αγιος occurs 8 times in Codex Sinaiticus, which suggests that the longer variant is quite early. It would be quite difficult to read and write αγιος nine times in an uncial text, undoubtedly leading to omissions due to homeoteleuton.
5:8 προσευχαι 𝔐K-42 HF RP ¦ προσευχων 𝔐K-34 ¦ αι προσευχαι 𝔐K-6
While 𝔐K is fairly evenly split between προσευχαι and προσευχων, the προσευχαι reading is dominant when considering overall manuscript support. Furthermore, the reading προσευχων would seemingly have the golden bowls performing intercessory prayer for the saints, which is unlikely.
5:10 βασιλευσουσιν 𝔐K-50 HF RP ¦ βασιλευουσιν 𝔐K-41
According to Revelation 20:6, the reigning will happen in the future. Consequently, it is more likely that the letter σ was inadvertently dropped than added.
7:14 επλυναν 𝔐K-31 HF RP ¦ επλατυναν 𝔐K-52
Although 𝔐K leans heavily toward επλατυναν, that reading seems to be influenced by Matthew 23:5. Consequently, επλυναν is to be preferred, especially since it has such a high level of overall manuscript support.
8:3 δωση 𝔐K-50 RP ¦ δωσει 𝔐K-30 HF
Without strong support one way or the other from internal evidence, the fact that 𝔐K leans heavily in favor of δωση tips the scales toward that variant.
9:2 και ηνοιξε το φρεαρ της αβυσσου 𝔐K-4 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-79
The readings of 𝔐K appears to be an omission due to homeoteleuton.
9:11 αββαδων 𝔐K-26 HF RP ¦ αβααδδων 𝔐K-20 ¦ αββααδδων 𝔐K-14 ¦ αββααδων 𝔐K-10
The spelling αββαδων has the most support within 𝔐K and the most overall manuscript support.
9:20 και τα χαλκα 𝔐K-6 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-78
𝔐K is largely unified in excluding the text. However, this appears to be a clear case of omission due to homeoarcton. The text still makes perfect sense even with the omission, so there would be no red flag prompting scribes to investigate the matter further.
10:4 εμελλον 𝔐K-43 HF RP ¦ ημελλον 𝔐K-40
𝔐K leans slightly toward the letter ε. The letter ε has a much higher level of overall manuscript support, both here and in 3:2.
11:1 εγειρε 𝔐K-48 HF ¦ εγειραι 𝔐K-36 RP
Without strong support one way or the other from internal evidence, the fact that 𝔐K leans slightly in favor of εγειρε tips the scales toward that variant.
11:15 λεγοντες 𝔐K-44 HF ¦ λεγουσαι 𝔐K-39 RP
In 9:14 𝔐K prefers the masculine participle with the feminine noun φωνη.
11:16 επεσον 𝔐K-50 HF RP ¦ επεσαν 𝔐K-33
Although 𝔐K is split here, επεσον is the preferred reading of 𝔐K throughout Revelation. It also has a higher level of overall manuscript support.
13:8 ων ουτε 𝔐K-46 ¦ ων ου 𝔐K-34 HF RP
The word following ουτε is γεγραπται. In uncial script, the letters τε and γε look very similar (ΤΕ ¦ ΓΕ). The letters τε were likely omitted due to homeoarcton.
13:11 κερατα δυο 𝔐K-9 HF RP ¦ κερατα 𝔐K-9 ¦ δυο κερατα 𝔐K-1
Throughout Revelation any references to horns are accompanied by a number that has special significance. The same would be true here as this is the second beast, and the two horns would represent the power of the two beasts. The text reads perfectly well without the word δυο, which may explain why more 𝔐K manuscripts did not adopt the 𝔐A,C reading.
13:16 δωσωσιν 𝔐K-57 HF RP ¦ δωσουσιν 𝔐K-24
While the Text und Textwert variant includes three words in the variant unit, the only major difference in 𝔐K is between δωσωσιν and δωσουσιν, with the reading δωσωσιν being dominant.
13:16 της 𝔐K-19 HF RP ¦ — 𝔐K-63
The reading of 𝔐K appears to be an inadvertent omission.