Solomon Cueihnah
Deuterocanonical work containing a treasury of wisdom. A theological and/or philosophical treatise, the Wisdom of Solomon seeks to blend the piety of orthodox Judaism with the best of Greek philosophy. The book tries to give the impression that the whole is the work of Solomon (see Wisd of Sol 8:9–21; 9:7–2), but this is simply a device to gain authority for the statements of the book concerning wisdom. Originally composed in Greek rather than in Hebrew, it is likely the production of a cultivated Jew deeply influenced by Greek culture and ideas, familiar with the Septuagint, and writing at Alexandria probably in the first century bc. The book was regarded as canonical by some of the early church fathers, including such notable figures as Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea, and Augustine of Hippo; it was even incorporated into the Muratorian Canon of the second century. Historically, it has been favorably regarded by Protestants, although not considered canonical. The Roman Catholic Church gave it official recognition as Scripture at the Council of Trent in ad 1546. The author sought to rekindle the religious zeal of his fellow Jews who have departed from the faith of their fathers, to encourage and fortify them for a life of faith and godliness in the midst of perplexities and persecutions and to demonstrate the folly of idolatry and the truth of Judaism. The book begins with the author being exhorted to “love righteousness, … think of the Lord with uprightness, and seek him with sincerity of heart” (1:1). From there on in, the book encourages people to become religious and to know God. By knowing God and conforming to his will, a person can attain immortality (15:3
A Thuemnah Ham Thaphohnah
Nangmih diklai khoboei rhoek loh duengnah te lungah uh lamtah Boeipa te a then la poek. Amah te thinko cim neh tlap uh.
Aka noemcai pawt long ni amah te hmuh tih Amah aka uepvawt pawt taengah ni a phoe pah.
Voeldak kah poeknah loh pilnam te Pathen neh a hla sak tih, A thaomnah aka noemcai hlang hlang-ang te a toel.
Cueihnah he tah thailat hinglu khuila kun pawt tih, Tholh sal kah pum dongah ah khaw om mahpawh.
A cim neh mueihla a thuituen pah tah, thailatnah lamloh yong vetih Hlang ang kopoek khaw a hnuk la a nongtak ni, A haeh lah pongpang ham khaw yak ni.
Cueihnah loh mueihla a thintlonah tih, Aka salpham rhoek te tah a ol thae lamloh loeih mahpawh. Pathen tah kotak kah ngaihlih dongah laipai la om.
Boeipa kah mueihla he diklai ah bae tih, A tuuk hno boeih loh a thui te rhenten a ming
Te dongah a haeh la ol aka cal boeih tah hlipdahnah om pawt vetih, Tiktamnah neh lai a tloek ham khaw rhael thai mahpawh.
Lailak kah a lungpoek khuiah khaw khenah om vetih, Amih kah olka yasaknah te khaw Boeipa taeng a pha ni.
10 Hlang uet hna loh a soeprhaep he a yaak tih kohuet ol khaw a yaak mueh la cet pawh.
11 A poeyoek la kohuet khaw rhalrhing, na lai te khaw lokhak taeng lamloh kuemsuem lah.
12 Na khosak a thae dong lamloh dueknah te khue boeh, Na kut dongkah bisai lamloh khaw pocinah khaw khuen boeh.
13 Pathen loh dueknah a saii moenih, Aka hing kah dueknah dongah khaw a hmae bal moenih.
14 Hno cungkuem om saeh tila a suen coeng tih, Diklai a soepnah hamla rhuirhong boeih a khueh. Te khuiah te pocinah sue khaw a om moenih, Hell kah thaomnah khaw diklai ah a om moenih.
15 Duengnah neh aka nguel hno la om.
16 Tedae lailak kah a ol neh a khoboe loh dueknah a khue. A paya la a poek tih rhap a sun, Anih neh moi a boh khaw, A pueipo neh a kiba la a om dongah ni.