Diffren Kine Tings Dat God Spirit
Give Peopo Da Powa Fo Do
(Isaiah 28:11-12)
Go all out fo get love an aloha. An geev um so God Spirit give you da powa fo do all kine tings da Spirit like you fo do. But you know wat kine powa you need da mos? You need da powa fo talk fo God, dass da main ting! Cuz you know, wen one guy talk one diffren kine language, God Spirit give him da powa fo tell stuff dat still yet stay secret. But da guy no talk to da peopo dea. He talk to God. No mo nobody dea undastan da guy. But da guy dat talk fo God, ho! he stay talk to da peopo dea. He make da peopo dat hear him mo strong inside, an he give um good kine words, an he kokua dem. Da guy dat talk one diffren kine language, ony him come mo strong inside. But da guy dat talk fo God, he make all da peopo dat come togedda fo church mo strong an solid inside.
I like all you guys talk diffren kine language, you know. But mo betta den dat, I like you guys talk fo God. Da guy dat talk fo God, he mo importan den da guy dat talk diffren kine language. But dass okay fo talk diffren kine language, if you get somebody fo tell wat da guy mean wen he stay talk lidat. Den all da odda peopo dat come togedda fo church goin come mo strong inside, cuz dey all undastan wat da guy tell.
Kay den, my braddahs an sistahs! Tink bout dis. If I come by you guys, an I talk diffren kine language, how dat goin help you guys, aah? Ony get one way I goin help you guys. Wen I talk to you guys, I gotta tell you guys someting God like you fo know, dat was secret befo time, o help you guys undastan someting, o tell you guys wat God tell, o teach you someting, aah? Same ting, you know, wit da music instrument. Dey not alive, but dey make soun. Da flute o da harp o wateva, if dey no can change da note, how anybody goin figga wat song dey stay play? No can. An if da bugle make funny kine noise, how da army guys goin know wen dey suppose to get ready fo fight, aah? No can. Fo you guys, same ting wen you stay talk one diffren kine language—if you no tell stuff easy fo undastan, you know, you ony stay talk to da air.
10 Get plenny diffren kine language hea inside da world, an ery language good fo da peopo tell wat dey like tell. 11 But if I donno dea language, da peopo dat stay talk lidat, I goin know dat dey not from my peopo, an fo shua dey goin know dat I not from dea peopo.
12 Same ting wit you guys—you like go all out fo get powa from God Spirit. Kay den. Mo betta you go all out fo get da kine powa dat goin help all da peopo dat come togedda fo church fo come mo strong inside! 13 So den, da guy dat stay talk one diffren kine language, he suppose to go aks God fo da powa fo tell wat he mean wen he talk da odda language.
14 Me, if I talk one diffren kine language wen I pray, I pray inside, but I no tink wat I mean inside my head. 15 So, wat I suppose to do, aah? I goin pray how I like pray inside, plus, I goin figga inside my head how I goin pray, same time. I goin sing fo God how I like sing inside, plus, I goin figga how I goin sing inside my head, same time. 16 If you tell inside you how good God stay an you stay use one diffren kine language, an get one guy inside da meeting dat no undastan wat you tell, how he goin tell “Dass right!” wen you tell God, “Mahalo plenny!” wit da odda language? He no can cuz he no undastan. 17 Fo shua, you do good wen you tell God “Mahalo plenny!” wit one diffren kine language. But dat no help da odda guy fo come mo strong inside.
18 You know, I talk some diffren kine language mo plenny den all you guys, an I tell God “Mahalo plenny!” fo dat. 19 But wen I come togedda wit God peopo fo church, mo betta I tell ony litto bit fo da peopo undastan, an fo me teach dem stuff. Dass mo betta den if I use uku pile a words wen I stay talk one diffren kine language dat dey no undastan, aah?
20 Eh, my braddahs an sistahs! No go tink jalike small kids no moa! (Fo do da bad kine stuff, shua! Ack jalike bebes! Cuz da bebes, dey donno how fo do bad kine stuff.) But fo undastan wass da main ting, you gotta grow up! 21 14:21: Isa 28:11-12God tell dis inside his Rules:
“I goin try talk to dese peopo
Wit peopo dat talk anodda kine language.
But no matta wat I do, dey no goin lissen.
Dass wat Da One In Charge tell.” 22 An dat mean, wen peopo talk one diffren kine language, dass jalike one sign fo da peopo dat no trus God fo dem know wat God can do. Dat kine talk, not fo help da peopo dat trus God awready. But wen God make peopo talk fo him, dass fo help da peopo dat trus God, not fo da peopo dat no trus God.
23 So, wat? If all you guys come togedda fo church, an you all talk diffren kine language, an get some peopo dat come inside dea dat no mo da powa fo undastan dat kine talk, o some peopo dat no trus God, wat dey goin tell? Dey goin tell, “Dese peopo hea, dey get some spirit dat take ova dem, an dey pupule fo shua!”
24 But if all you guys talk fo God, an one guy dat no trus God come inside dea, o one guy dat no mo da powa fo undastan da diffren kine language, dat guy goin lissen da tings erybody stay tell. Wat da talka guys tell goin show proof dat da odda guy wen do bad kine stuffs, jalike dey was all judges an know eryting bout him awready. 25 Cuz da secret kine tings dat da guy no like nobody know, he try hide um inside him, but no can, cuz dat stuff goin come outside an erybody goin know. Den he goin go down on his face an show God love an respeck, an tell erybody, “Fo shua, God stay wit you guys!”
Do Eryting Da Right Way
26 Kay den, my braddahs an sistahs. Wen you guys come togedda, erybody get someting—one song bout God, o someting fo teach, o fo tell someting dat God like tell dat was secret befo time, o someting fo tell in diffren kine language, o dey can tell wat da odda peopo mean wen dey talk diffren kine language. Eryting dey do, gotta be fo make each odda come mo strong inside. 27 If somebody like talk one diffren kine language, dass all right, but ony two o three lidat an no moa. One guy no can start till da odda guy pau, an gotta get somebody fo tell wat dose peopo mean wen dey talk one diffren kine language lidat. 28 An if no mo nobody fo tell wat dey mean, den dey not suppose to talk one diffren kine language in front da church peopo. Dey ony suppose to talk diffren kine language inside dea head, an dey can talk to God lidat too.
29 Da peopo dat like talk fo God, same ting: two o three guys can talk fo God, an da odda peopo gotta figga out how fo do wat da guys dat talk fo God tell um fo do. 30 But if get anodda guy dat stay sit dea, an God show dat guy someting dat was secret befo, an now da guy like tell wat God show um, den da one dat stay talk fo God suppose to stop. 31 All you guys can talk fo God, firs one guy den anodda, you know. If you do um lidat, all you guys goin learn someting, an all you guys goin get good kine words fo feel mo betta. 32 Da guys dat talk fo God, wen dey get da powa from da Spirit fo talk fo God lidat, dey still stay in charge a wat dey tell. 33 Cuz God, he no jam up nobody. He make um so no mo notting bodda dem inside.
All ova da place, wea evas da peopo dat stay spesho fo God come togedda fo church, get dis custom: 34 Da wahines suppose to stay quiet wen erybody come togedda fo church. Dey not suppose to talk. Dey suppose to show respeck fo da leada guy. Da Rules From God tell da same ting, aah? 35 Wen dey get one question, dey gotta aks dea husbans bout um wen dey go home. Shame, aah? if da wahines talk wen God peopo come togedda fo church!
36 Wot! If you guys no like follow dis custom, try tink bout dis: Who was da guys dat wen start fo tell wat God tell, firs time? Was you guys? No way! O you guys tink you da ony peopo dat eva hear wat God tell, o wat?!
37 Anybody tink dey one guy dat talk fo God, o tink dey stay tight wit da Spirit, dey gotta know dis: Da stuff I stay write to you guys, dass da stuff dat Da One In Charge wen tell us guys we gotta do. 38 Anybody no lissen wat Da One In Charge tell, no lissen dose guys!
39 My braddahs an sistahs, wat all dis mean?! Dis mean, go all out fo talk fo God! An no go tell peopo dey no can talk one diffren kine language. 40 But wen you guys come togedda, gotta do one ting firs, an afta, da nex ting. Gotta do eryting da right way.

14:21 14:21: Isa 28:11-12