Watum ro ttis
1 Nnaut nwe Bokom ro Allah mawe:
“⌞Soh raa sait yaun baun yawe raa roto sait yber safo to, nmit safo kʼraa retait wia ma:⌟ Nko hawe sai raa mabo ewok, soh mfe tuuf mama tna hre su: Raa mabo ewok, soh mfe tuuf ro mesait mmat bo reto to, ntu ana mama. Tna ana weto kbe hre mkyas bo ro ana mmat. Soh ana beta mmat bo mnan anya, mawe raa retait yno bo ro mkair reto, feto tna fo raa moo srah mmit kʼraa retait.”
Ulangan 19:15
⌞Nko hawe sai hre su tna nkyas safo reto, tna nke oh!⌟ Kbe tama to kʼanu mun ro tuuf.
2 Tii wore tamoʼt kota ro Korintus mun ro ewok to, tawe wa kʼanu tawe, “Ati ro jõ hah tama to kʼanu u to, kbe tmit safo kʼanu.” Mfo refo thau fari tna tkom bo reto u kʼanu beta: Tkyas kʼanu ro tii nno iro ye, tna kʼanu taro sor ye.
3 Menohe anu nnaut maut-mroh nwe, “Paulus tait raabis ro Allah fee. Ait ykyas bo ro Kristus yawe to fee. Kristus tait Raa ro yatak. Bi Ait yatak re ymit safo kʼraa. Menohe Paulus tait raa ro yatak fee sai.”
4 Nnaut nwe tiwya Kristus yroh yama tabam refo to, Ait haberek yamo raa sai ro yatak fee. Ait yama yfi raa ro yhaf sneh sai. Yitsre yatak rAit tna yajat mam ara warok. Menohe Allah yatak rAit mno Ait yasen yaam u. Jõ thaf sau su tsya Kristus. Tibyo titsre tatak ajõ reto ye: Tii tama to kʼanu tfi raa ro thaf sneh sai, tfi raa ro tatak fee. ⌞Wore weto jõ bhah anu fee.⌟ Menohe Allah yno re jõ tatak re kbe tama tisoh bosmot wanu.
5 Tawe kʼanu aro sait-sait tawe, “Nmat sas nhaf mato wanu. Anu ja smot Yesus Kristus kaket fe mfe a? Bo ro yawe to, anu nnaut maut-mroh fe mfe a? Anu nnaut nwe bo ro ysi to, ja Ait ybo ye fe mfe a? Ati ro nmat sas anu nhaf mato wanu to, soh anu nkai bosmot ro matak to, anu nhar nwe Ait yhau ysya anu tu oh.”
6 Ati ro nmat sas anu nhaf mato wanu to, jõ ksoh tawe anu nkai bosmot ro matak. Tii jõ tama tkyas Bokyas Moof ro Yesus kʼanu. Tna mfo refo bosmot wanu mo matak oh. Soh bosmot wanu matak feto to, anu nhar nwe amu mbewok oh mi tii nti bonaut kʼanu to. Tibyo nhar nwe amu mbewok fo raabis ro Tuhan tu oh.
7 Amu mbewok skabuk anu kʼAllah. Amu nyoh re kbe anu nno bo ro mkair aro u fee. Soh anu nno bo ro mkair to, kbe raa taro mmat tna mnaut mawe amu raabis ro Tuhan fee. Menohe bo ro ana mnaut mawe reto to, bo ro ati fee. Fyi-fya sai raa mnaut mawe amu mbewok fo raa ro nkair to, rau ro ati to, anu nhau nno bo ro moof yoyo.
8 Kbe amu mbewok nma no kʼanu u. Tna soh amu nmat he anu niwana watum ro Allah to, kbe amu bhah anu wa. Menohe soh amu nmat he anu nri bo ro ati mbam kʼAllah reto, tna nbo nno kaket fares to, amu nban tis anu fea! (Amu fo raa ro ja nno wa bo ro moof to fee.)
9 Soh amu bhah raa fee, kbe raa taro mnaut mawe amu ntak fee. Feto to raa taro mnaut mawe amu fo raabis ro Allah fee. Bo ro ana mnaut mawe reto to, bo ro ati fee sai. Soh amu nma tna nmat he anu nros ntak fares to, kbe amu simaut mase sai. Tii anu taro nno bo ro mkair. Tna re amu skabuk Allah nyoh re kbe Ait yisoh anu nhaf wanu me mrok moof.
10 Jõ tarak fares tna tkom aam refo tiim kʼanu. Tkom aam refo afo re meen, ati ro tama to, kbe jõ thafrah bo ro anu nno fee. Jõ hawe bo bhah anu mkah tak ro Tuhan yoo yee kʼjõ. Tuhan ybis jõ tama tno re bosmot wanu mo matak. Ait yoo tak yee kʼjõ afo re kbe tisoh bosmot wanu. Yoo yee afo re tno bosmot ranu kbe mbraun to fee.
Paulus ymah meen
11 Taja, tme, tao, tano na; meen oh kʼanu! Simaut mase oh! Nisoh anu nhaf wanu moof. Nri bo ro jõ tawe wefo beta. Nhau nsya anya to, nhaf msya nkit sau su. Niranya nsya raa anya kaket. Allah tait Raa ro yatmof raa tna yno anu nhau nhaf tnok ye. Jõ skabuk re Ait yatam anu yoyo.
12 Nmah meen kʼanya ye tna hana anya. Raa ro Allah wAit mam befo to, beta mmah meen kʼanu ye.
13 Jõ skabuk re kbe Tuhan Yesus Kristus ysya Allah matmof anu beta. Tna re kbe Har rAit mno anu beta niranya kaket tna nhau nhaf sau su ye.