Raa wamu, ro amu mbewok ksoh; tii Allah ysi bo weto kʼanu oh. Yawe Ait yfi anu Bja ranu. Feto to nisoh nhaf, srau wanu kaket. Bo knik-knak ro mno anu netsu wanu mkair to, beak fari. Bo ro mkair sor ro anu nno to, nitsre makus oh! Nisoh netsu wanu ye, nhaf wanu ye. Anu beta waa Allah. Feto to, nisoh nisoh anu re nhau nno bo wAit yoyo sai.
Allah yisoh yno re raa sraujin u fee
Noo nhaf wanu nee kʼamu mbewok. ⌞Raa taro mawe amu fo raabis ro Tuhan fee. Nri ana ma.⌟ Ana mamus amu, mawe amu nno bo ro mkair. Mawe amu saso pitis sai tibyo besruf raa sai mefo. Menohe mfe. Amu nhaf mato wamu moof toni sai, amu sikowah tna besruf raa fee. Amu ja sioh raa aro fee. Tkyas bo refo besus kʼanu fee. Amu mbewok ksoh anu toni. Mam wore wo amu nhau mam tabam refo fares to, amu nnaut anu yoyo. Soh fyi-fya sai to, kbe amu njat su nsya anu ye tu oh. Thar tawe anu ro nhau mam kota ro Korintus to, kbe nhau nno bo ro moof sai. Tna jõ bibi anu. Tkyas bo reto kʼraa roto ye. Bo mkair mawat mama mai kʼamu mbewok mam befo fares. Menohe tari he anu ne nno bo ro moof tna jõ trok simaut mase toni.
Woyõ-woya sai amu mbewok nmo to, amu fri bo ro mkair. Ati ro amu twok mam provinsi ro Makedonia to, kair mai kʼamu mbewok ye: Raa hafrah bo ro amu nkyas. Tna amu nnaut yyi tna waa ye. Allah tait Raa ja yisoh raa ro mnaut yyi tna sraujin. Yno re ana mnaut yyi u fee, tna sraujin u fee. Ait yno feto kʼamu mbewok ye: Yno re Titus frok mam provinsi ro Makedonia refo. Allah yno re amu nhaf wamu tnok oh meto. Amu ne sraujin u fee. Amu simaut mase nmat Titus u. Ait ybam kota ranu ro Korintus yama. Tna bo ro ait yama ykyas to, mno amu simaut mase toni: Yawe anu ksoh jõ tama to kʼanu u. Yawe anu sraujin. Yawe ⌞anu nri bo ro tii jõ tkyas kʼanu. Nri tna nashana. Tna mfo refo anu nhar nwe bo ro tii anu nno reto to, mkair toni.⌟ Jõ simaut mase toni tari he anu nfot bo ro tii tawe reto tna nno. Titus yawe anu ne nros tis kʼjõ. Bo reto mno Titus ye simaut u tna mno re jõ sraujin u fee ye.
Tii tkom aam tna bhah anu.* Tna anu nmat aam reto nrok sraujin. Reto mno re jõ sraujin ye. Menohe anu sraujin tibyo fee. Bo ro tawe kʼanu to, mafer rau to moof sai. Mfo refo anu sraujin u fee ye. Tna jõ aro bo sraujin anu u fee ye. Jõ hawe bo tno re anu sraujin. Menohe bo mafer rau to, anu nwe nashana to. Bo ro tkom to, mno anu sraujin wia. Tna Allah yno re tis rau to, anu sraujin ranu reto misti bo ro mkair aro fee. 10 Ti aro raa sraujin bo ro mkair ana mno. Sraujin tibyo masahana tna mkai riof. Raa mrok takoh srau feto to moof. Allah yno tis rau to mafer moof: Raa mkai riof. Raa ro Allah wAit soh sraujin to, ja me mari bo ro Allah yawe. Tibyo mafer rau to, Allah yno ana mhaf, srau to me moof u. Menohe raa taro mrok takoh srau fee. Mamo mo kʼAllah ye fee. Tibyo ana sraujin kait mamo snok mhai si. Raa sraujin kait mfi feto to mkair. Raa ro tabam refo fo, ja ana sraujin feto. 11 ⌞Tiwya raa wanu sait yno safo. Tna anu nastako ait fee. Menohe anu sayõ rof safo reto. Anu noo safo mana nmit kʼait fee ye. Anu nesait nno bo mkair oh meto. Menohe tiwya jõ bhah anu tna anu nri bo ro tawe.⌟ Sraujin mfi feto to moof. Allah yno re mafer ro moof frok: Anu nashana bo ro mkair tii anu nno. Au oh mi anu nsen noo safo mana nmit kʼait oh. Reto moof. Mfo refo anu ksoh toni nno bo moof. Tna re raa mhar mawe jemaat ranu reto me mno bo ro moof sai. Jõ tari bo beta ro anu nno weto to, tna thar tawe anu nri bo ro jõ tkom mam aam ro tii tkom tee kʼanu reto.
12 Tii tkom aam reto fyi? Tkom tawe bhah ait ro yisti safo reto fee. Tna tkom tkyas raa ro ait yno reto sai ye fee. Tii tkom aam reto afo re anu nesait nrok nhar nhaf wanu. Nhar nwe anu noo nhaf wanu nee kʼamu. Allah ksoh yawe anu nhaf sau su nsya amu mbewok. 13 Mfo refo amu nhar bo anu ne ksoh amu mbewok tna ne nri bo ro amu nwe. Tibyo amu mbewok ne sraujin u fee. Titus ymat anu mam kota ro Korintus tna hah yama. Tna ait simaut ye. Tna amu ksoh toni nmat he ait simaut toni. Anu nno ait yhaf rait me simaut u. 14 Tii Titus yama yo kʼanu mam Korintus fefares to, Jõ tkyas anu kʼait. Tkyas bo ro moof. Tna ait yama yo kʼanu to, ymat yawe bo ro jõ tawe reto mabo oh meto. (Mnan anya msya bombra beta ro ja jõ tkyas kʼanu oh. Ja jõ tkyas bo ro mabo sai.) Tis rau bo ro tii tkyas kʼait to, yesait ymat yawe mabo. Tibyo jõ hrenaut fee. 15 Mam ati ro Titus yama yo kʼanu reto to, anu nitrah nhaf wanu tna nri bo ro ait ykyas. Ait ynaut yawe anu waa tna hartu ait. Tibyo ait ksoh anu toni ye. 16 Mfo refo thar tawe anu ksoh nno bo ro moof. Tibyo jõ simaut mase.
* 7:8 Paulus ykom aam ro tinyi (1 Korintus). Raa ro mkom tafsiran aro mkyas mawe Paulus ykom aam roto taro ye. Menohe aam reto mfo refo marak; tibyo raa mse mam Alkitab ranu fee. Mam aam reto ait yafriri raa ro mno bo mkair. 7:11 1 Korintus 5:1,2 mkyas mawe raa wana sait ywyah: Yoo yaja yfain.