Paulus yamoʼt Yerusalem tna hre su ysya raabis sor
1 Tahun trion 14 firwas tna jõ thah te tamoʼt Yerusalem. Tamo tsya Barnabas tna tmen Titus ye.
2 Allah yasbrah bo kʼjõ, ybis jõ tasen tamoʼt Yerusalem. Jõ tamoʼt Yerusalem tna tamo siret su tsya raa manes ro kro Kristus. Jõ hre su tsya ana tna betoo tawe, “Bokyas ro Kristus refo ja jõ tamo tkyas kʼraa mana roto makin. Raa mana ro Yahudi to, tkyas kʼana fee.” Jõ tkyas bo tsya raa manes weto mesait aran wia. Jõ waa be kbe ana ro mase weto hafrah tna hawe bo raa mkyas Bokyas ro Kristus kʼraa mana roto. Tno feto be kbe raa mnaut mawe watum ro tkyas kʼraa mana roto reto to mafer marak.
3 He mfe; raa manes weto mhaf mnan bo ro ja tamo tkyas kʼraa mana roto makin reto. Raa manes weto to mbam raa mana ro Yahudi. Tna Titus tait ybam raa mana ro Yunani. Menohe ana mmat ait tna mbis ait raa mkom tohmi (sunat) to fee. Bo mafa rana raa ro Yahudi sai aran meto.
4 Tiwya raa mkbair roto taro mawe wa bokyas ajõ. Tna ana mawe mbis Titus ykom tohmi. Raa mkbair reto sioh mawe ana kro Kristus, he mfe. Ana weto baro ja mama wan-wan skabuk su msya amu. Ana mhar mawe ja amu kro bo mafa raa ro Yahudi fee. Tna re ana mama mmat tan amu. Ana mnaut mawe bko hawe sai, anu raa ro kro Kristus bbo Watum ro Musa tna bno bo mafa raa ro Yahudi beta ye. Menohe anu bhar bwe bo mafa weto to make anu u fee.
5 Feto to amu aro ja nri bo ro raa mkbair reto mawe kebet bo fee saut! Amu nros tu nkyas Bokyas Yesus ro ati. Amu nwe nkyas Bokyas reto kʼanu raa ro kro Kristus mam provinsi ro Galatia. Amu nros ntak afo re Bokyas ro ati mhau kʼanu matak yum.
6 Tiwya, amu nbo tuuf nsen nmoʼt Yerusalem. Tna ati ro amu hre su nsya raa manes ro kro Kristus mam tno to, ana hre mari bo ro jõ tkyas. Mari tna tgyõt bokyas roto aro fee. (Raa ro tabam refo mmat ana to, mawe ana raa manes. Menohe Allah ymat raa ro mase msya raa ro kinyah to, yawe mnan anya sai. Tna jõ tnaut tawe feto ye.)
7 Ana weto mawe tgyõt bokyas roto aro fee. Ana makit sau su mnaut mawe, “Bokyas ro Paulus refo mnan si. Amu nnaut nwe Allah ysok ait tna ybis ait yamo ykyas Bokyas ro Yesus kʼraa ro wase agama Yahudi. Ait ysok Paulus refi mnan si tiwya ysok Petrus ye. Petrus tait, Allah ybis yamo ykyas Bokyas ro Yesus kʼraa mana ro Yahudi.”
8 Ae, Allah yoo yatak rAit yse kʼPetrus yamo raabis rAit yamo yo kʼraa mana ro Yahudi. Feto ye bi Ait oh mi yoo tak yse kʼjõ, yawe jõ tamo to kʼraa mana roto makin.
9 Tna ati reto to, Yakobus, Kefas (Petrus), msya Yohanes ana mawe, “Esre.” Tna ana mfot matem msya jõ tna msya Barnabas. Ana mabo tuuf reto to, mamo aban mana mam jemaat ro Yerusalem. Ana weto mfot matem msya amu tna mawe, “Anu fo bkah bo mana sau su. Amu nhar nwe Allah yoo bouum yee kʼanu mbewok, ybis anu nmo no kʼraa mana roto makin, raa mana ro Yahudi fee. Tna ybis amu nmo no kʼraa ro Yahudi.”
10 Tis rau to ana msi bo kʼamu mbewok mawe, “Sorni ma: Nmat tna natmof raa kinyah ye!” Tna jõ ksoh tno bo reto ye. Tna amu mbewok nsen sikba Yerusalem tna nsen nmo bamu.
Paulus santri bo ysya Petrus mam Antiokhia
11-13 Raa ro kro Kristus mbam raa mana roto to, tiwya Kefas (Petrus) ja hre yait bo su ysya ana. Tna yiranya ysya ana ye. Menohe ti baro firwas tna Yakobus yafoh wait baro mama snok mam kota ro Antiokhia. (Ana weto mbam raa mkbair ro ja mnaut mawe, “Raa beta ro kro Kristus, mako hawe sai, kbe ana kro bo mafa ranu, raa mana ro Yahudi to beta!”) Tna Kefas (Petrus) tait waa ana. Tibyo yari tna kro bo ro ana mawe. Feto tna ait hawe bo yiranya ysya raa mana roto ro kro Kristus u. (Ait sesa ait feto to, ait yari Bokyas ro Yesus ybo yno fee.) Tna Barnabas ysya raa Yahudi ro kro Kristus beta to mmat bo ro Kefas (Petrus) yno. Tibyo ana mari bo mbam raa mkbair reto ye. Mari tibyo sesa ana ye tna miranya msya raa mana roto ro kro Kristus u fee ye. Ana beta masen sioh ana sai oh meto. Feto to ati ro jõ tmat Kefas (Petrus) to, jõ bhah ait tawe, “Nyõ sesa nyõ to, nno bo ro mkair meto!”
14 Jõ tmat he ana miwer Bokyas Yesus ro ati oh meto. Feto to wore wo raa jemaat ro Antiokhia beta siret su to, jõ tawe Kefas (Petrus) tawe, “Fyi! Nyõ fi raa mana ro Yahudi fe mfe a? Menohe anu smot Kristus tibyo nyõ bitsre bo mafa raa ro Yahudi oh, tna nasen nno bo mnan raa mana roto sai. Nyõ nno feto moof. bo mafa weto to, make nyõ u fee. Menohe mfo refo nyõ nbis raa Yahudi ro mfo refo kro Kristus oh, nawe ana miranya msya raa mana roto to ma. Nbis bo reto mkah bawya!”
15 Tna tawe kʼPetrus tawe, “Nyõ nsya jõ fo, anu mbewok bbam biin raa mana ro Yahudi. Tibyo anu raa ro bhar Watum ro Musa nteet. Menohe raa ro mbam raa mana roto to, ana wase Watum reto. Feto to raa ro Yahudi, ja mnaut mawe raa mana roto weto beta to ‘raa ro mno iro’.
16 Menohe anu ro kro Kristus oh bhar bwe, ‘Watum reto mtai mno raa mhaf mato moof ati to fee.’ Allah ymat raa ro mari Watum ro Musa ja mbo mno to, tna yawe ana weto to, raa ro mhaf moof ati to fee. Awya ro smot Kristus Yesus oh mi Allah ymat tna yawe ana weto raa ro mhaf moof ati to. Watum ro Musa reto matak meto fee. Tiwya, ati ro anu brok bhar bwe bo reto mabo to, anu bashana tna smot Kristus Yesus. Tna anu bsen kro Ait oh.
17 Feto to, anu raa Yahudi bitsre Watum ro Musa. Anu ksoh bwe Allah ymat anu yawe anu bhaf moof ati mfi raa ro wase mno iro. Feto to, anu bsen smot Kristus oh. Menohe raa ro Yahudi mmat he anu bitsre Watum ro Musa tibyo ana mkyas kair amu. Ana mawe, ‘Aha! Paulus na mno iro meto! Ana mnan anya mfi raa ro mbam raa mana roto! Kristus yisti re ana mno iro!’ He mfe: Kristus yisti re raa mno iro fee saut! Raa bitsre Watum ro Musa to iro meto fee.
18 Jõ fret bo tawe Watum ro Musa to mnan anya msya amah ro rabo. Tna jõ titrah amah reto oh. Fyi re jõ haberek tbo ara ro rabo reto tna sgi amah reto u? Mfi bo jõ te tisoh jõ thaf moof mkah bo haberek tna tari Watum ro Musa tbo tno u to, jõ tno iro oh meto.
19 Tiwya jõ thau tari Watum ro Musa to tbo tno. Menohe mfo refo jõ thar tawe Watum reto misoh irat ajõ tsya Allah moof to fee. Feto to jõ bitsre Watum reto afo re tno bo ro Allah yawe. Allah yawe jõ smot bo ro Kristus yno. Jõ smot tawe raa mame Ait yajat mam ara warok. Tibyo yisoh iranya ajõ tsya Allah.
20 Thau mam tabam refo tesait thau kar fee. Kristus yamos rAit ysan kʼjõ. Feto to thau tno bo kar u fee. Kristus yamos rAit mjin mam jõ thaf ajõ. Thau mam tabam refo fo, thau smot Ku ro Allah yare. Safo ajõ to Allah ymit Ku rAit Kristus. Feto oh mi Kristus yajat raa mame mam ara warok. Reto mnan bo jõ tesait tajat raa mame su tsya Ait ye. Au oh meto Allah ymat jõ to, yawe yoo riof yee kʼjõ. Ku ro Allah yare tait yatmof jõ tna ysan yetsu rAit shauk jõ.
21 Jõ hawe bo haberek kro Watum ro Musa u. Maami jõ tiwana Allah boatmof rAit oh meto. Bo ro Yesus yno oh mi Allah ymat jõ tna yawe jõ tfi raa ro mhaf moof ati. Watum ro Musa to matak re misoh jõ thaf moof ati to fee. Mfi bo Watum reto matak mnan si maami tiwya Kristus ysan yetsu rAit fee!”