Raa ro Farisi ana hawe bo Yesus yisoh raa ro kiyam mam hari Sabat
1-3 Ayõ ro raa ntmoh (hari Sabat) sau to Yesus yamo yait bo mam samu raa ro Farisi sait. Ait retait raa ro yase. Tna raa ro Farisi roto baro msya guruagama baro hre mait boit su msya ana ye. Tna raa ro yafa kiyam sait twok yama. Kiyam reto mno tibyo ait yetsu beta mtun. Raa manes ro agama Yahudi weto mmat sas Yesus.* Tna Yesus ytu bo kʼana yawe, “Watum ro agama ranu mbis mawe raa misoh kiyam mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh to, fe mfe a?” Menohe ana shait sai beta. Tibyo Yesus ybo ait ro kiyam retait tna yisoh ait. Yisoh yoof tna ybis ait yawe yamo bait. Tna Yesus ytu bo kʼana yawe, “Fyi, mfi bo anu nkin wefo sait, ymat ku rait, soh mfe sapi rait mbtek kayah (sumur). Mbtek kayah mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh to, kbe ait yamo fooh tubat fe mfe a?” Menohe ana weto sait ykyas bo si fee ye.
Tna ana beta mamo hre mait boit. Tna Yesus ymat he ana msok yuk ro moof wia hre. Tibyo yawe bofret kʼana yawe, “Soh raa sait ymen fnya tna yawe anu sait yamoʼt bokyõ rait reto to, kbe nno bawya? Nyõ namo tna kbe hre mam woyõ? Ja nyõ nksoh hre mam ambar ro moof fe mfe a? Jõ tawe anu nmo hre mam ambar ro moof wia ma. Kbe raa manes sait yama bo to fyi? Nno kbe ait ro yakyõ bokyõ rait to yama yawe, ‘Kmo ma, nasen namo hre mam yuk roto. Yuk refo mhau kʼraa ro ati ro yama refi.’ Tibyo nyõ saban tna nasen namo hre mam tis. 10 Rau ro moof to, soh raa mawe anu sait yamoʼt bokyõ rait to, nno fefo: Nmo to, hre mam tis. Tna kbe ait ro yakyõ bokyõ rait reto to, yama yawe, ‘Tafoh ajõ, nasen namo hre mam ambar ro moof rno.’ Tibyo raa taro mmat tna mawe nyõ raa ro nase. 11 Tawe kʼanu tawe, ‘Awya ro bibi ait yesait to, kbe hah ye yfi bo raa ro maku. Tna awya ro susu hah ye yaku to, ait kbe yrok yase mam uu.’ ”
12 Tna Yesus yawe kʼait ro yakyõ bokyõ rait yawe, “Soh nakyõ bokyõ to, noo taah nee kʼnafoh wonyõ ma. Noo taah nee kʼnao wonyõ, nano wonyõ, tmo wonyõ, msya raa mana wonyõ ro bobot to ma. Kbe ana weto makyõ bokyõ to moo taah mee kʼnyõ riryõn. 13 Soh nyõ nakyõ bokyõ to, nmen awe, nmen raa ro kinyah, raa kair, raa ro maa msya matem bo mhai, msya raa ro masu mboh bo to. 14 Ana weto kbe ska bo moof ro nyõ no kʼana reto fee. Menohe Allah kbe yno bo moof kʼnyõ to. Meen Ait yno re raa ro mhaf moof mrok masen. Tna mam wore weto to, kbe Allah yaren nyõ tu oh.”
Bobot sait ymah korat ro mase sau
15 Raa sait sohmaam bo su ysya ana weto. Ait yari bokyas ro Yesus reto tna yawe, “Wore wo Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit to, raa meen hre sohmaam bo mam beto ye. Awya sai ro meen hre sohmaam bo mam beto to, kbe mhau simaut mase.” 16 Tna Yesus yawe bofret yawe, “Bobot sait ymah korat ro mase sau. Tna ait yoo taah yee kʼraa mawat. 17 Bo sohmaam beta raa saruk mkak. Tna bobot retait ybis sryan sait yamo yawe kʼraa weto, yawe, ‘Nma twok oh. Raa siwyan bo beta ye oh!’ 18 Menohe ana mama fee. Sait yawe, ‘Kmo ma: Jõ tsui tna tama fee. Jõ kwiyat tabam baro tna fares, tna tawe mfo refo tamo tmat.’ 19 Tna sait yawe, ‘Kmo ma: Tna sai jõ too sapi mana nsaa. Tna tawe tamo tse kuk sanet tno sapi weto mkuk bajak wia. Feto to kbe jõ tama fee.’ 20 Tna raa sait yawe, ‘Jõ tmen fnya ajõ tna fares, kbe jõ tama fee.’ 21 Tna sryan retait hah yamo yawe bo weto kʼbobot rait. Tibyo bobot retait kmo yawe, ‘Feto to namo fooh namoʼt remo tna saso raa mam iso sai: raa ro suawe, raa ro kinyah, raa ro kair, raa ro maa msya matem wana mhai, maka, msya raa ro masu mboh to. Namo nmen ana nakah nama.’ 22 Sryan retait yno bo reto tna hah yama yawe, ‘Tno oh. Menohe ambar ro raa kbe mama hre mawat marak sai fares.’ 23 Tna bobot retait ybis u yawe, ‘Namo fari tna saso raa mam remo ro maku ye, mam iso krewe ye. Nawe kʼraa nawe mamaʼt samu ajõ refo afo re matot. 24 Tawe raa ro jõ too taah tee to, kbe mama mam korat ajõ fee saut tna sohmaam bo wojõ aro fee ye!’ ”
Raa mhaf wana mamo mhau msya awya?
25 Raa mawat mama kro msya Yesus mam iso ro Ait yamo to. Yesus ymat ana tna ykyas kʼana yawe, 26 “Raa mawat mawe kro Jõ. Ana mawat mhafri maja msya mme, mfain msya ku wana, mao na, mano na toni. Menohe mhafri Jõ kaket fee. Feto ana weto to, raa woJõ fee. Tna awya ro hasu ait yesait toni menohe hasu Jõ kaket fee, ait tait raa aJõ fee ye. 27 Awya ro yawe kro Jõ to, menohe kro fee, tna yasom bo fanes ro mama mai kʼait to fee ye, ait yamo raa aJõ fee ye. Soh ait yasom ara warok rait reto ye tna ait kro Jõ ye; ait retait yamo raa aJõ.”
28 Tna Yesus yawe, “Mfi bo anu nkin sait ksoh yawe sgi amah to; ait hre ntuu mabyoh rau to wia fea! Tna ymat pitis ro ait yse to wia afo re yhar yawe kbe sgi mkak fe mfe a? 29 Soh yno bo reto wia fee, kbe ait ysair yno pondasi sai menohe sgi amah ska fee. Tibyo raa mmat tna sret ait masah tna mawe, 30 ‘Raa refi yawe sgi amah rait reto menohe ytai sgi mkak fee!’ ”
31 Tna Yesus yawe, “Mfi bo raja sait yawe yafa ysya raja roto sait to; ait hre ntuu raa sbe wait kaket wia. Tna ynaut mnan wia yawe, ‘Raa sbe wojõ mabo trion 10.000 sai. Tna raja roto tait raa sbe wait mabo trion 20.000. Kbe fyi? Raa wojõ mnan fe mfe a?’ 32 Soh ynaut yawe matak to fee, kbe mam wore wo byoh mhau fari fares to, ait ybis raa mamo mo kʼraja ro yafa ysya ait. Ybis ana mamo mkyas bo su kʼait. Tna ati ewok weto mtu mari iso ro moof fyi re kbe ana miranya sai moof.”
33 Tna Yesus yawe, “Au oh meto: Soh raa mawe kro Jõ to, ana weto kbe mnaut bo mnan wia, tna fo kro. Awya ro hawe, ysan bo wait beta kʼAllah yatem to fee, ait retait yamo raa woJõ to fee ye.
34-35 Jõ fret bo tawe, ‘Haa to ja mafah moof. Menohe mfi bo haa reto mafah fee, kbe raa mno fyi re kbe haberek mafah u? Mafer rau to aro uu fee. Haa reto mno armato moo kaket mfi pupuk ja mno to fee. Mafer ro haa reto to, marak sai. Haa reto raa moo mbeak sai.’ Anu ro nri bokyas reto to, nnaut kaket!”
* 14:1-3 Watum ro Musa ykom mawe raa mkah bo mam hari Sabtu ma. Tna raa weto mhar mawe ja Yesus yatmof raa ro kiyam. Feto to ana mtu mam nhaf mato wana mawe, “Kbe Yesus yisoh raa ro kiyam reto yetsu rait moof, tna yiwer Watum ro Musa oh meto fe mfe a?” 14:28 menara