The Christmas Story
The story about the mother of Jesus
Luke 1:26b-35, 37-38
26 God sent Gabriel, one of his angel messengers, to Galilee country, to a town called Nazareth. 27 He went there to a young girl that was not married. Her name was Mary. Before that time, Mary didn’t ever sleep with any man, like a woman does with her husband. She was promised to a man that was called Joseph. He belonged to the family of David, the man that was the big boss a long time ago.*
28 Gabriel came to Mary and said, “Hello, Mary. God loves you and is good to you. He is here with you now, and he will do something good for you.”
29 This worried Mary. She thought, “What’s he talking about?”
30 Gabriel said, “Don’t be frightened, Mary. God is really happy with you. 31 Listen. You will soon have a baby boy, and you will call him Jesus.* 32-33 God will make him the biggest boss over you Israel people, like David, his grand-father that lived a long time ago. He will be very important, and he will be the biggest boss for ever. He will never stop being the biggest boss over the Israel people. And people will call him the son of God.”*
34 Mary said, “But I’m not married. I’ve never slept with a man, like a wife sleeps with her husband. How will I get a baby?”
35 Gabriel said, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and God’s power will come over you and give you a baby. Your baby will be really special, and people will say he is God’s son. 37 God can do anything. Nothing is too hard for him.”*
38 Mary said, “All right, I will do whatever God wants. I want everything to happen just like you said.”
Then Gabriel left her.
* 1:27 Matthew 1:18 * 1:31 Matthew 1:21 * 1:32-33 2 Samuel 7:12-13, 16; Isaiah 9:7 * 1:37 Genesis 18:14