Job Answers
Then Job answered:
I am still complaining today.
I groan because God is still making me suffer.
I wish I knew where to find him.
I wish I knew how to go to where he lives.
I would present my case to him.
I would make my arguments to show that I am innocent.
He could give his response, and I would understand.
I would listen closely to what he says.
Would God use his power against me?
No, he would listen to me!
Since I am an honest man, he would let me tell my story.
Then my Judge would set me free!
If I go to the east, God is not there.
If I go to the west, I still don’t see him.
When he is working in the north, I don’t see him.
When he turns to the south, I still don’t see him.
10 But God knows me.
He is testing me and will see that I am as pure as gold.
11 I have always lived the way God wants.
I have never stopped following him.
12 I always obey his commands.
I love the words from his mouth more than I love my food.
13 But God never changes,
and who can stand against him?
He does anything he wants.
14 He will do to me what he planned,
and he has many other plans for me.
15 That is why I am terrified to stand before him.
Just thinking about it makes me afraid.
16 The fear of God has made me lose my courage.
God All-Powerful makes me afraid.
17 What has happened to me is like a dark cloud over my face.
But the darkness will not keep me quiet.