A song from Solomon for going up to the Temple.
If it is not the LORD who builds a house,
the builders are wasting their time.
If it is not the LORD who watches over the city,
the guards are wasting their time.
It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late,
trying to make a living.
The Lord provides for those he loves,
even while they are sleeping.
Children are a gift* from the LORD,
a reward from a mother’s womb.
A young man’s sons
are like the arrows in a soldier’s hand.
The man who fills his quiver with sons
will be very blessed.
He will never be defeated
when he opposes his enemy at the city gates.
* 127:3 gift Literally, “inheritance.” This usually means the land God gave to each family in Israel. 127:5 city gates This can refer to either a battle to protect the city or to a court case held in this public place.