This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to God's will, to the Christians* in Ephesus and those who trust in Christ Jesus. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with all that's spiritually good in the heavenly world, just as he chose us to be in him before the beginning of this world, so that in love we could be holy and without fault before him. He decided in advance to adopt us as his children, working through Jesus Christ to bring us to himself. He was happy to do this because this is what he wanted. So we praise him for his glorious grace that he so kindly gave us in his beloved Son. Through him we gain salvation through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins as a result of his priceless grace that he so generously provided for us, together with all wisdom and understanding.
He revealed to us his previously-hidden will through which he was happy to pursue his plan 10 at the appropriate time to bring everyone§ together in Christthose in heaven and those on the earth. 11 In himwe were chosen beforehand, according to the plan of the one who is working everything out according to his will, 12 for the purpose that we* who were the first to hope in Christ could praise his glory. 13 In himyou too have heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation. In himbecause you trusted in him you were stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit's promise, 14 which is a down-payment on our inheritance when God redeems what he's kept safe for himselfus, who will praise and give him glory!
15 That's the reason, because I've heard of your trust in the Lord Jesus and the love that you have for all Christians, 16 why I never stop thanking God for you and remember you in my prayers. 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom to see and know him as he really is. 18 May your minds be enlightened so you can understand the hope he's called you tothe glorious riches he promises as an inheritance to his holy people. 19 May you also understand God's amazing power 20 that he demonstrated in raising Christ from the dead. God seated Christ at his right hand in heaven, 21 far above any other ruler, authority, power, or lord, or any leader with all their titles—not only in this world, but also in the coming world too. 22 God has made everything subject to the authority of Christ, and has given him the responsibility as head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, filled full and made complete by Christ, who fills and brings everything to completion.
* 1:1 Literally, “saints.” 1:4 Or “in union with him.” 1:6 Son is assumed here. The Greek says “beloved one.” § 1:10 Paralleling Colossians 1:20. * 1:12 “We” meaning Jewish Christians. 1:13 “You” meaning Gentile Christians.