In that day this song is sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city, || He makes salvation [for] walls and bulwark. Open the gates, || That a righteous nation may enter, || Preserving steadfastness. You keep [him] in peace [whose] imagination [is] stayedpeace! For he is confident in You. Trust in YHWH forever, || For in YAHYHWH [is] a rock of ages, For He bowed down the dwellers on high, || A city set on high He makes low, || He makes it low to the earth, || He causes it to come to the dust, A foot treads it down, || Feet of the poorsteps of the weak. The path for the righteous [is] uprightness, || O upright One, || You ponder the path of the righteous. Also, [in] the path of Your judgments, || O YHWH, we have waited [for] You, || To Your Name and to Your remembrance || [Is] the desire of the soul. I desired You in the night [with] my soul, || Also, I seek You earnestly [with] my spirit within me, || For when Your judgments [are] on the earth, || The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness. 10 The wicked finds favor, || He has not learned righteousness, || He deals perversely in a land of straightforwardness, || And does not see the excellence of YHWH. 11 O YHWH, Your hand [is] highthey do not see, || They see the zeal of the people, and are ashamed, || Also, the fire consumes Your adversaries. 12 O YHWH, You appoint peace to us, || For You have also worked all our works for us. 13 O our God YHWH, lords have ruled us besides You, || Only, by You we make mention of Your Name. 14 Deadthey do not live, || Rephaim, they do not rise, || Therefore You have inspected and destroy them, || Indeed, you destroy all their memory. 15 You have added to the nation, O YHWH, || You have added to the nation, || You have been honored, || You have put all the ends of the earth far off. 16 O YHWH, in distress they missed You, || They have poured out a whisper, || Your discipline [is] on them. 17 When a pregnant woman comes near to the birth, || She is painedshe cries in her pangs, || So we have been from Your face, O YHWH. 18 We have conceived, we have been pained. We have brought forth, as it were, wind, || We do not work salvation in the earth, || Nor do the inhabitants of the world fall. 19 Your dead liveMy dead body, they rise. Awake and sing, you dwellers in the dust, || For the dew of herbs [is] your dew, || And you cause the land of Rephaim to fall. 20 Come, My people, enter into your inner chambers, || And shut your doors behind you, || Hide yourself shortly [for] a moment until the indignation passes over. 21 For behold, YHWH is coming out of His place, || To charge the iniquity of the inhabitant of the earth on him, || And the earth has revealed her blood, || Nor does she cover her slain anymore!”