Unjust Judgments Rebuked.
A Psalm of Asaph.
God takes His Astand in 1His own congregation;
He Bjudges in the midst of the 2Crulers.
How long will you Ajudge unjustly
And Bshow partiality to the wicked? 1Selah.
AVindicate the weak and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.
ARescue the weak and needy;
Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.
They Ado not know nor do they understand;
They Bwalk about in darkness;
All the Cfoundations of the earth are shaken.
1I Asaid, “You are gods,
And all of you are Bsons of the Most High.
Nevertheless Ayou will die like men
And fall like any Bone of the princes.”
AArise, O God, Bjudge the earth!
For it is You who Cpossesses all the nations.
A 82:1 Is 3:13 1 82:1 Lit the congregation of God B 82:1 2 Chr 19:6; Ps 58:11 2 82:1 Lit gods C 82:1 Ex 21:6; 22:8, 28 A 82:2 Ps 58:1 B 82:2 Deut 1:17; Prov 18:5 1 82:2 Selah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude A 82:3 Deut 24:17; Ps 10:18; Is 11:4; Jer 22:16 A 82:4 Job 29:12 A 82:5 Ps 14:4; Jer 4:22; Mic 3:1 B 82:5 Prov 2:13; Is 59:9; Jer 23:12 C 82:5 Ps 11:3 1 82:6 Lit I, on my part A 82:6 Ps 82:1; John 10:34 B 82:6 Ps 89:26 A 82:7 Job 21:32; Ps 49:12; Ezek 31:14 B 82:7 Ps 83:11 A 82:8 Ps 12:5 B 82:8 Ps 58:11; 96:13 C 82:8 Ps 2:8; Rev 11:15