1 I wolde ye knewe what fyghtinge I have for youre sakes and for them of Laodicia and for as many as have not sene my parson in the flesshe
2 that their hertes myght be conforted and knet togedder in love and in all ryches of full vnderstondynge for to knowe the mistery of God the father and of Christ
3 in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
4 This I saye lest eny man shuld begyle you with entysinge wordes.
5 For though I be absent in the flesshe yet am I present with you in the sprete ioyinge and beholdinge the order that ye kepe and youre stedfast fayth in Christ.
6 As ye have therfore receaved Christ Iesu the Lorde even so walke
7 roted and bylt in him and stedfaste in the fayth as ye have learned: and therin be plenteous in gevynge thankes.
8 Beware lest eny man come and spoyle you thorow philosophy and disceatfull vanitie, thorow the tradicions of me and ordinaunces after the worlde and not after christ.
9 For in him dwelleth all the fulnes of the godheed bodyly
10 and ye are complete in him which is the heed of all rule and power
11 in whom also ye are circucised with circumcision made mith out hondes by puttinge of the sinfull boddy of the flesshe thorow the circumcision that is in Christ
12 in that ye are buryed with him thorow baptism in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorowe fayth that is wrought by the operacion of god which raysed him from deeth.
13 And ye which weare deed in synne thorow the vncircumcision of youre flesshe hath he quyckened with him and hath forgeve vs all oure trespases
14 and hath put out the handwritinge that was agaynst vs contayned in the lawe writte and that hath he take out of the waye and hath fastened it to his crosse
15 and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of the openly and hath triumphed over them in his awne persone.
16 Let noman therfore trouble youre conscieces aboute meate and drynke or for a pece of an holydaye as the holydaye of the newe mone or of the sabboth dayes
17 which are nothinge but shaddowes of thynges to come: but the body is in Christ.
18 Let no man make you shote at a wronge (marke) which after his awne ymaginacion walketh in the humblenes and holynes of angels thinges which he never sawe: causlesse puft vp with his flesshly mynde
19 and holdeth not the heed wherof all the body by ioyntes and couples receaveth norisshment and is knet to gedder and encreaseth with the in creasynge that commeth of god.
20 Wherfore if ye be deed with Christ from ordinaunces of the worlde why as though ye yet lived in the worlde are ye ledde with tradicions of them that saye?
21 Touche not tast not handell not:
22 which all perysshe with the vsinge of the and are after the commaundmentes and doctrins of men
23 which thinges have the similitude of wisdome in chosen holynes and humblenes and in that they spare not the body and do the flesshe no worshype vnto his nede.