1 Furthermore brethren praye for vs that the worde of god maye have fre passage and be gloryfied as it is with you:
2 and that we maye be delivered from vnresonable and evyll men. For all men have not fayth:
3 but the lorde is faythfull which shall stablysshe you and kepe you from evyll.
4 We have confidence thorow the lorde to you warde that ye both do and will do that which we commaude you.
5 And the lorde gyde youre hertes vnto the love of God and paciece of Christ.
6 We requyre you brethren in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ that ye with drawe youre selves from every brother that walketh inordinatly and not after the institucion which ye receaved of vs.
7 Ye youre selves knowe how ye ought to folowe vs. For we behaved not oure selves inordinatly amonge you.
8 Nether toke we breed of eny man for nought: but wrought with laboure and travayle nyght and daye because we wolde not be grevous to eny of you:
9 not but that we had auctoritie: but to make oure selves an insample vnto you to folowe vs.
10 For when we were with you this we warned you of that yf ther were eny which wolde not worke that the same shuld not eate.
11 We have hearde saye no doute that ther are some which walke amonge you inordinatly and worke not at all but are besy bodies.
12 Them that are soche we commaunde and exhorte by oure lorde Iesu Christ that they worke with quyetnes and eate their awne breed.
13 Brethren be not wery in well doynge.
14 Yf eny man obey not oure sayinges sende vs worde of him by a letter: and have no companie with him that he maye be ashamed.
15 And count him not as an enemy: but warne him as a brother.
16 The very lorde of peace geve you peace all wayes by all meanes. The lorde be with you all.
17 The salutacion of me Paul with myne awne honde. This is the token in all pistles. So I write.
18 The grace of oure lorde Iesus Christ be with you all Amen. ‘Sent from Athens.’