The Lord God saith these things, On three great trespasses of Moab, and on four, I shall not convert it, for it burnt the bones of the king of Idumea till to ashes.
And I shall send fire into Moab, and it shall devour the houses of Kerioth; and Moab shall die in sound, in the noise of a trump.
And I shall lose a judge of the midst thereof, and I shall slay with it all the princes thereof, saith the Lord.
The Lord saith these things, On three great trespasses of Judah, and on four, I shall not convert him, for he hath cast away the law of the Lord, and kept not the commandments of him; for their idols, after which the fathers of them went, deceived them.
And I shall send fire into Judah, and it shall devour the houses of Jerusalem.
The Lord saith these things, On three great trespasses of Israel, and on four, I shall not convert him, for that that he sold a just man for silver, and a poor man for shoes.
Which all-foul the heads of poor men on the dust of [the] earth, and bow away the way of meek men; and the son and his father went to a damsel, that they should defoul mine holy name.
And they ate on clothes laid to wed beside each altar, and drank the wine of condemned men in the house of their God.
Forsooth I destroyed Amorite from the face of them, whose highness was the highness of cedars, and he was strong as an oak; and I all-brake the fruit of him above, and the roots of him beneath.
10 I am, that made you to go up from the land of Egypt, and led you out in desert by forty years, that ye should wield the land of Amorite.
11 And I raised of your sons into prophets, and Nazarites of your young men. Whether it is not so, ye sons of Israel? saith the Lord.
12 And ye poured out wine to Nazarites, and commanded to prophets, and said, Prophesy ye not.
13 Lo! I shall creak under you, as a wain charged with hay creaketh.
14 And flight shall perish from a swift man, and a strong man shall not hold his strength, and a stalworthy man shall not save his life;
15 and he that holdeth a bow shall not stand, and a swift man shall not be saved by his feet; and the rider of an horse shall not save his life,
16 and a strong man of heart shall flee naked among strong men in that day, saith the Lord.