1 And Job answered, and said,
2 Now also my word is in bitter-ness, and the hand of my wound is aggrieved on my wailing.
3 Who giveth to me, that I know, and find him, and come unto his throne?
4 I shall set doom before him, and I shall fill my mouth with arguments;
5 that I know the words, which he shall answer to me, and that I under-stand, what he shall speak to me.
6 I will or desire not, that he strive with me by great strength, neither that he oppress me with the heaviness of his greatness.
7 Set he forth equity against me, and my doom come perfectly to victory.
8 If I go to the east, God appeareth not there; if I go to the west, I shall not understand him;
9 if I go to the left side, what shall I do? I shall not take him; if I turn me to the right side, I shall not see him.
10 But he knoweth my way, and he shall prove me as gold, that passeth through the fire.
11 My foot pursued [or followed] his steps; I kept to his way, and I bowed not away from it.
12 I went not away from the commandments of his lips; and I hid in my bosom the words of his mouth.
13 For he is alone, and no man may turn away his thoughts; and whatever thing he would, his will did this thing.
14 When he hath [ful] filled his will in me, also many other like things be ready to him.
15 And therefore I am troubled of his face, and I beholding him am anguished for dread.
16 God hath made nesh mine heart, and Almighty God hath troubled me.
17 Certainly I perished not for dark-nesses nighing to me; neither mist covered my face.