1 Blame thou not an elder man, but beseech [him] as a father, young men as brethren;
2 old women as mothers, young women as sisters, in all chastity.
3 Honour thou [the] widows, that be very widows.
4 But if any widow hath children of sons, learn she first to govern her house, and requite to father and mother; for this thing is accepted before God.
5 And she that is a widow verily, and desolate, hope [she] into God, and be busy in beseechings and prayers night and day.
6 For she that is living in delights, is dead [in soul].
7 And command thou this thing, that they be without reproof.
8 For if any man hath not care of his own, and mostly of his household men or meine, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unfaithful, [or heathen], man.
9 A widow be chosen [into the temple] not less than sixty years, that was wife of one husband,
10 and hath witnessing in good works, if she nourished children, if she re-ceived poor men to harbour, if she hath washed the feet of holy men, if she ministered to men that suffered trib-ulation, if she followed all good work.
11 But eschew thou younger widows; for when they have done lechery, they will be wedded in Christ, [or when they have done lechery in Christ, they will be wedded],
12 having damnation, for they have made void the first faith.
13 Also they idle learn to go about houses, not only idle, but [they be] full of words and curious [or curiosity], speaking things that it behooveth not.
14 Therefore I will, that younger widows be wedded, and bring forth children, and be housewives, to give none occasion to the adversary, because of cursed thing.
15 For now some be turned aback after Satan.
16 If any faithful man hath widows, minister he to them, that the church be not charged, that it suffice to them that be very widows.
17 The priests that be well governors, [that is, truly keep well priesthood], be they had worthy to double honour; most they that travail in word and teaching.
18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not bridle the mouth of the ox threshing, and, A workman is worthy his hire.
19 Do not thou receive accusing against a priest, but under twain or three witnesses.
20 But reprove thou men that sin before all men, that also others have dread.
21 I pray [or I adjure] thee before God, and Jesus Christ, and his chosen angels, that thou keep these things without prejudice, and do nothing in bowing to the other side.
22 Put thou hands to no man, neither anon commune thou with other men’s sins. Keep thyself chaste. [Put thou hands to no man soon, neither commune thou with other men’s sins. Keep thyself chaste.]
23 Do not thou yet drink water, but use a little wine, for thy stomach, and for thine oft-falling infirmities.
24 Some men’s sins be open, before going to doom; but of some men they come after [or they follow].
25 And also good deeds be open, and those that have them in other manner, may not be hid.