1 Then Tobias answered to his father and said, Father, I shall do all things, whichever [or whatever] thou commandedest to me;
2 but I know not, how I shall get this money; Gabael knoweth not me, and I know not him; what token shall I give to him? but neither I knew anytime the way, by which me goeth thither.
3 Then his father answered to him, and said, Certainly I have his obligation here with me, which the while thou showest it to him, he shall restore [or yield] anon the money.
4 But go now, and inquire [or ensearch] to thee some faithful man, that shall go with thee for his hire safe [or saved his meed], that thou receive that money yet while I live.
5 Then Tobias went forth, and he found a shining young man, standing, tucked up [or gird], and as ready to go;
6 and he knew not that it was the angel [or an angel] of God. And he greeted the young man, and said, Of whence have we thee, good young man?
7 And he answered, I am of the sons of Israel. And Tobias said to him, Knowest thou the way, that leadeth into the country of Media?
8 To whom he answered, I know it, and I have gone often all the ways thereof, and I have dwelled with Gabael, your cousin/your brother, that dwelleth in Rages, a city of Media, which city is set in Ecbatana.
9 To whom Tobias said, I beseech thee, abide thou me here, till I tell these things to my father.
10 Then Tobias entered, and told all these things to his father; on the which things his father wondered, and he prayed the young man, that he would enter [or should come] in to him.
11 Then he entered, and greeted Tobit, and said to him, Joy be ever-[more] to thee!
12 And Tobit said, What manner joy shall be to me, that sit in darknesses, and see not the light of heaven?
13 To whom the young man said, Be thou of strong wit; it is in the most nigh time, or full nigh, that thou be healed [or cured] of God.
14 Then Tobit said to him, Whether thou mayest lead my son to Gabael into Rages, a city of Media, and when thou comest again, I shall restore [or I shall yield] thy meed to thee?
15 And the angel said to him, I shall lead him thither, and bring again him to thee/and I shall lead again him whole to thee.
16 To whom Tobit answered, I pray thee, show to me, of what house, either of what lineage thou art?
17 To whom Raphael, the angel, said, Askest thou the kin [or the kindred] of the hired man, either askest thou who is the hired man himself, that shall go with thy son?
18 But lest peradventure I make thee doubtful, I am Azariah, that is interpreted, the helper of God, the son of the great Ananias, that is interpreted, the grace of God. [But lest peradventure I make thee stirred, I am Azariah, the son of great Ananias.]
19 And Tobit answered, Thou art of great kin; but I ask, or pray, thee, that thou be not wroth, that I would know thy kin [or thy kindred].
20 And the angel said to him, I shall lead forth thy son whole [or sound], and I shall bring again to thee thy son whole [or sound] /and I shall lead him again whole [or sound] to thee.
21 And Tobit answered, and said, Well go ye, and the Lord be in your way, and his angel go with you.
22 Then when all things were ready, that should be borne in the way with them, Tobias made farewell to his father and his mother; and both went together/and they walked forth both together.
23 And when they were gone forth, his mother began to weep, and to say to old Tobit, Thou hast taken the staff, or the substance, of our eld age[or The staff of our eld thou hast taken away], and hast sent him away from us;
24 I would that that money had never been, that thou hast sent him for/for which thou sentest him;
25 our poverty sufficed to us, that we should have areckoned this thing to be riches to us /that we should areckon this riches, that we see our son beside us.
26 And Tobit said to her, Do not thou weep/Weep thou not; our son shall come safe thither, and he shall turn again safe to us, and thine eyes shall see him.
27 Soothly I believe, that the good angel of God goeth with him, and that angel shall dispose well all things, that be done about him, so that he turn again with joy to us.
28 At this voice, or word, his mother ceased to weep, and was still.