1 Therefore wisdom stretcheth forth from the end till to the end strongly, and disposeth all things sweetly.
2 I loved this wisdom made[or This I loved], and I sought it out from my youth; and I sought to take it a spousess to me, and I am made a lover of the fairness thereof [or of the form of it].
3 He that hath the fellowship of God, glorifieth the gentleness thereof [or It having the company of God, glorifieth the gentleness of it]; but also the Lord of all things loved it.
4 For it is the teacheress of the learning [or of the discipline] of God, and chooseress of his works.
5 And if riches be coveted [or be desired] in life, what is richer than wisdom, that worketh all things?
6 Soothly if wit worketh, who is a craftsmaker [or craftsman] more than wisdom, of these things that be?
7 And if a man loveth rightfulness [or rightwiseness], the travails of this wisdom have great virtues; for it teacheth soberness, and prudence, and rightfulness [or rightwiseness], and virtue; and nothing is profitabler [or more profitable] than these in life to men.
8 And if a man desireth multitude of knowing, wisdom knoweth things passed, and guesseth of things to coming [or to come]; it knoweth the fellnesses or falsenesses of words, and assoilings or absolvings of arguments; it knoweth signs and showings of things to coming, before that they be made [or the tokens and wonders it knoweth, ere they be done]; and the befallings [or chances] of times and of worlds.
9 Therefore I purposed to bring to me this wisdom[or Then I purposed this to bring to me], to live together; witting that it shall commune with me of goods, and speaking together of my thoughts, and of mine annoyances, shall be.
10 For this wisdom I shall have clearness at companies, and honour at elder men;
11 I shall be found young and sharp in doom, and in the sight of mighty men I shall be wonderful, and the faces of princes shall worship me [or shall marvel me].
12 They shall abide me, being still, and they shall behold me, speaking; and the while I speak many things, they shall set hands on their mouths.
13 Furthermore by this wisdom I shall have undeadliness; and I shall leave everlasting mind to them, that shall come after me.
14 I shall dispose peoples; and nations shall be subject to me.
15 Hideous kings hearing me shall dread; and in multitude I shall be seen good, and strong in battle.
16 I shall enter into mine house, and I shall rest with wisdom; for the conversation thereof hath no bitterness, and the dwelling together thereof hath none annoyance, but gladness and joy.
17 I thought these things at me, and I remembered in mine heart; for why wisdom is undeadly in thought,
18 and good delighting is in the friendship thereof; and honesty with-out default is in the works of hands thereof; and wisdom is in the strife of speech thereof; and great clearness is in the communing of words thereof; I went about, seeking to take wisdom to me.
19 Forsooth I was a witting child, and I got a good soul.
20 And when I was more good, I came to a body undefouled.
21 And as I knew, that else I may not be chaste [or continent], no but God give it, and this same thing was wisdom, to know whose this gift was; I went to the Lord, and I besought him, and I said, of all mine entrails [or of all the entrails of mine heart].