And Peter and John went up into the temple, at the ninth hour of praying, [or at the ninth hour of prayer], (or at three o’clock in the afternoon).
And a man, that was lame from the womb of his mother, was borne (there), and was laid [or was put] each day at the gate of the temple, that is said ‘Fair’ (or that is called ‘Beautiful’), to ask (for) alms of men that entered into the temple.
This (man), when he saw Peter and John beginning to enter into the temple, prayed, that he should take alms. (And when he saw Peter and John entering the Temple, he beseeched, or asked for, some money.)
And Peter with John beheld on him, and said, [or Forsooth Peter with John beholding him, said], Behold thou into us. (And Peter and John looked at him, and Peter said, Look at us.)
And he beheld into them, and hoped, that he should take somewhat [or something] of them. (And he looked at them, and hoped that he would receive something from them.)
But Peter said, I have neither silver nor gold; but that that I have, I give to thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up, and go.
And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up; and anon (or at once) his legs and his feet were strengthened together;
and he leaped, and stood, and wandered (or and walked about). And he entered with them into the temple, and wandered, and leaped, and praised God.
And all the people saw him walking, and praising God.
10 And they knew him, that he it was that sat at alms at the fair gate of the temple, (or And they knew him, that it was he who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple begging for money). And they were filled with wondering, and astonishing, in that thing that befelled to him.
11 But when they saw Peter and John, all the people ran to them at the porch that was called of Solomon (or that was named for Solomon), and wondered greatly.
12 And Peter saw, and answered to the people, Men of Israel, what wonder ye in this thing? either what behold ye us, as (if) by our (own) virtue, either power, we made this man for to walk? [+or as (if) by our virtue, either piety, we make this man to walk?](And Peter saw them, and said to the people, Israelites, why wonder ye at this thing? or why look at us, as if by our own power, we made this man to walk?)
13 God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, [and] God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus, whom ye betrayed, and denied before the face of Pilate, when he deemed him to be delivered, [or left], (or to be let go), (or when he judged him, and would have released him).
14 But ye denied the holy and the rightful (man), [or Ye forsooth denied the holy and just man], and asked (for) a manslayer to be given to you. (But ye rejected this holy and just man, and asked for a murderer to be given to you.)
15 And ye slew the maker of life, whom God raised from death [or whom God raised from (the) dead], of whom we be witnesses.
16 And in the faith of his name he hath confirmed this man, whom ye see and know; the name of him, and the faith that is by him, gave to this man full healing [or full health] in the sight of all (of) you.
17 And now, brethren, I wot that by unwitting ye did, as also your princes (did). (And now, brothers, I know, that ye did this by unknowing, or ignorance, as also your leaders did.)
18 But God that before-told by the mouth of all (the) prophets, that his Christ should suffer (or that his Messiah should suffer), hath fulfilled so.
19 Therefore be ye repentant, and be ye converted, (so) that your sins be done away, (so) that when the times of refreshing shall come from the sight of the Lord,
20 and (then) he shall send that Jesus Christ, that is now preached to you.
21 Whom it behooveth heaven to receive, into the times of restitution of all things, which the Lord spake by the mouth of his holy prophets from the (beginning of the) world (or of which the Lord spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from long ago, or from the creation of the world).
22 For Moses said, For the Lord your God shall raise to you a prophet, of your brethren; as me, ye shall hear him by all things [or ye shall hear him upon all things], whatever he shall speak to you (or whatever he shall say to you).
23 And it shall be, that every man [or every soul] that shall not hear that prophet (or who shall not listen to that prophet), shall be destroyed, [or exiled], from the people.
24 And all (the) prophets from Samuel and afterward, that spake, told (of) these days.
25 But ye be the sons of (the) prophets, and of the testament that God ordained to our fathers (or and of the covenant that God ordained to our fathers), and said to Abraham, In thy seed all the families of earth shall be blessed.
26 God raised his Son first to you, and sent him blessing you, that each man convert him(self) from his wickedness (or so that each man be turned from his own wickedness).