If thou doest well, know thou to whom thou doest (it); and much grace shall be to [or there shall be much grace in] thy goods (or thy good doings).
Do thou well to a just man [or to the rightwise], and thou shalt find great yielding; though not [or if not] of (or from) him, certainly of (or from) the Lord.
It is not well to him that is customable [or is busy] in evils, and to him that giveth not alms; for why the Highest both hateth sinners, and doeth mercy to them that do penance.
Give thou to a merciful man [or to the merciful], and receive thou not a sinner, that is, (one) obstinate in sins; God shall yield vengeance both to unfaithful men and to sinners, keep-ing them in the day of vengeance. Give thou to a good man, and receive thou not a sinner.
Do thou good [or well] to a meek man, and give thou not to an unpious man, that is, (one) obstinate in sin; forbid thou (thyself) to give loaves to him, lest in those [or (with) them], he be(come) mightier than thou. For (then) thou shalt find double evils in all goods, whichever [or whatever] thou doest to (or for) him;
for why the Highest both hateth sinners, and shall yield vengeance to unfaithful men [or the unpious].
(This verse is omitted in the original text.)
A friend shall not be known in goods (or in good times), and an enemy shall not be hid in evils, that is, adversities.
In the goods (or the good times) of a man, his enemies be sorry; and a friend is known in the sorrow and malice of him, that is, in (the) adversity of him.
10 Believe thou never to [or Not trust] thine enemy; for his wickedness rusteth as (or like) iron.
11 Though he be made meek, and go low, cast away thy soul [or throw away thy will], and keep thee from him.
12 Set thou not him beside thee, neither sit he at thy right side, lest he turn (against thee), and stand in thy place; lest peradventure he turn into thy place, and inquire (about) thy chair, and in (or at) the last time thou know (or remember) my words, and be pricked in (or with) my words.
13 Who shall do medicine to an enchanter smitten of (or by) a serpent, and to all men that nigh to (or approach) beasts,
14 and to him that goeth with an evil man, and is wrapped (up) in the sins of him?
15 In one hour he shall dwell with thee; soothly if thou bowest away, he shall not bear up.
16 The enemy maketh sweet in (or with) his lips, and in his heart he setteth treason to overturn thee into the ditch. The enemy weepeth in (or with) his eyes; and (or but) if he find-eth (the) time, he shall not be [full]-filled of (or with enough) blood.
17 If evils befall to thee, thou shalt find him the former (or the first) there. The enemy shall weep before thine eyes, and he as helping shall under-mine thy feet.
18 He shall stir [or move] his head, and he shall beat, [or flap, (or clap) for joy] with (his) hand(s); and he shall speak privily many evils of (or about) thee, and shall change his cheer (or his face).