Paul An Da Fake Talka Guys
Eh, I like you guys try lissen wat I tell, no matta if I talk litto bit lolo kine. Try lissen! Jalike God stay jealous fo you guys, I stay jealous fo you guys too. I wen make one promise to Christ fo him come jalike yoa one husban. Az jalike fo him marry you. You come jalike one bride dat neva sleep yet wit nobody. Now you guys stay clean inside an stay tight wit Christ. But I stay sked dat you guys goin bag from stay clean inside an tight wit Christ. Cuz yoa tinking come hamajang. Dass jalike da time da snake wen bulai Eve cuz he one sly buggah! Erytime somebody show up an teach you guys bout one diffren kine Jesus, an dass not da same Jesus we wen tell you guys bout, how come you guys trus dat guy? You guys wen let da Good An Spesho Spirit take ova you befo time. So how come you guys let one diffren kine spirit take ova you now? You wen trus da Good Stuff From Christ befo time, so how come you guys trus one diffren kine teaching now? I no tink me less importan den dem odda guys dat tell God wen sen um, da ones dat get big head. Dey not mo betta den me. No matta I no can talk fancy kine, I know plenny stuff. An I wen try real hard fo make dat real clear fo you guys.
I neva tell you guys fo pay me wen I wen teach you guys da Good Stuff From God. I wen come notting fo me make you guys look good. You guys figga dass wrong fo me fo do, o wat? Da peopo from da odda churches inside da odda places wen give money fo kokua me fo help you guys. Dass jalike I take from dem guys fo me help you guys. Wen I wen stay wit you guys an I need someting, I neva bodda you guys fo go aks fo someting. Da Macedonia braddahs wen come an kokua me. But erytime I neva bodda you guys notting, an I no goin bodda you guys eva. 10 Wat Christ tell stay true, an I know fo shua wat I tell stay true too, cuz I stay tight wit Christ. An nobody ova dea Akaia side can tell me shut up an no talk big bout all dat stuff. 11 How come I tell dis? You guys tink I no mo love an aloha fo you guys, o wat? God know I get plenny love an aloha fo you guys.
12 I still yet goin do all da stuff I stay do, so dat da peopo dat talk big bout how dey same same jalike us guys, no can tell notting. 13 Dem guys tell dat God wen sen um, but dey all bulai. Dey trick da peopo. Dey try look jalike guys dat talk fo Christ, jalike dey his guys, but dey all fake. 14 But az not one big deal. Cuz Satan, he go try ack jalike he one good angel messenja guy fo God. 15 Az why no throw us off if Satan worka guys try ack jalike dey stay work fo da good an right stuff too. Bumbye God goin pay dem back fo da bad kine stuff dey stay do.
Paul Suffa Wen He Tell Peopo Bout God
16 I goin tell dis one mo time: No let nobody tink dat I lolo wen I talk lidis. But even if you guys tink I lolo, try lissen me. Fo shua you guys lissen wen da lolo peopo talk, even if soun jalike I talk big small kine. 17 Wat I stay tell you guys now, goin soun lolo, but Da One In Charge neva tell me fo tell dat. 18 Get plenny guys stay talk big jalike da peopo inside da world talk big, so me, I goin talk big jalike dem. 19 Ho! So smart eh you guys! Fo you let da lolo guys no bodda you, aah? 20 You guys let da odda guys go wen dey make any kine to you. Dey make you guys jalike dea slaves. Dey rip you guys off. Dey scam you guys. Dey ack jalike you guys notting, an dey importan. Dey slap yoa head. An still yet you guys let um ack lidat. 21 Wassamatta you guys?! I shame tell, us was too weak fo make any kine lidat to you guys too, jalike dem.
Watevas da odda guys talk big bout, I goin talk big lidat too. I goin talk lolo kine too den. 22 Dem guys Hebrew guys? Yeah, aah, me too. Dem guys Israel guys? Yeah, aah, me too. Dem guys come from Abraham? Yeah, aah, me too. 23 You tink dem guys work fo Christ? No ways! Stupid, I talk lidis! Cuz me, I work way mo hard den dem. I wen stay inside jail mo plenny. Da odda guys wen whip me mo hard. An plenny times me, I almos wen mahke. 24 Eh, five time da Jew guys wen whip me thirty-nine time. 25 Three time dey wen beat me wit one hard stick. One time dey wen throw big kine stones fo try kill me. Three time I wen stay inside one bus up boat, an one nite an one day I wen stay inside da deep ocean. 26 Erytime I go all ova da place. Plenny tings wen almos kill me: da big rivas, da robba guys, my peopo da Jew guys, da guys dass not Jew guys, da ocean, da guys dat tell dey oua braddahs but dey not. All dat stuff wen almos kill me. I almos wen mahke inside da town an outside in da boonies. 27 I get hard time, an I wen bus ass. Plenny times I no can sleep nite time. I get hungry an thirsty, an had plenny times I no mo notting fo eat. I neva have clotheses, an I wen stay real cold. 28 An dis too: ery day I get plenny presha wen I tink bout all my braddahs an sistahs dat come togedda fo God all ova da place. 29 If get somebody dat feel jalike he no can handle, dass how I feel too. If get somebody dat do one bad kine ting, den I feel sore inside cuz a dat too.
30 If I gotta talk big, den I goin talk big bout da stuff dat show I no can handle. 31 Jesus, he Da One In Charge, an God, he Jesus Faddah. God, he know I no bulai. Erytime us guys tell erybody dat God stay good foeva. 32 You know, wen I wen stay inside Damascus, da govna unda King Aretas, he wen put police guys all ova da place fo bus me. 33 I wen go inside one big basket, an my frenz wen put me down wit one rope from one window inside da big town wall, fo go outside town. An I wen run away from da govna. Dat time, I no can handle fo shua!
11:3 11:3: Start 3:1-5, 13 11:9 11:9: Php 4:15-18 11:23 11:23: JGuys 16:23 11:24 11:24: Rules2 25:3 11:25 11:25 a: JGuys 16:22; JGuys 14:19 11:26 11:26 a: JGuys 9:23; JGuys 14:5 11:32 11:32: JGuys 9:23-25