Da Ten Main Rules
(Outa Egypt 20:1-19; Matthew 5:21-22, 27-30, 43; 15:4; 19:18-19; Mark 7:10; 10:19; Luke 18:20; Efesus 6:2-3; Rome 7:7-8; 13:9-10; Hebrews 12:18-21; 4:4; James 2:11)
Moses tell all da Israel peopo fo come by him. He tell um: “Lissen, you Israel peopo. I goin tell wat God tell you guys suppose to do, an his rules fo you guys fo hear today. Learn um, an make shua you guys do um. Oua God Da One In Charge wen make one deal wit us guys, Mount Sinai side. Da One In Charge neva make da deal jus wit oua muddah an faddah guys, but wit all us, da guys dat stay alive hea today too. Da One In Charge talk fo real kine wit you guys right dea, from inside da fire on top da mountain. Dat time, I wen stan in front Da One In Charge, an you guys was in front me, cuz you guys sked a da fire, an no go up da mountain. I stay tell you guys wat Da One In Charge tell. He tell:
Rule Numba One
“Dis me, Da One In Charge, yoa God, dat stay talk. Was me wen get you guys outa da Egypt land, wea you guys was slaves.
“No go pray to odda gods fo you. Cuz me, I da ony God fo you.
Rule Numba Two
“No make idol kine gods fo you dat look jalike someting from up dea inside da sky, o from down hea on top da earth, o from inside da watta dat stay undaneat da groun. No go down in front odda gods fo show um love an respeck, an no work fo dem. Cuz I yoa God, Da One In Charge! An if you go down in front da odda gods, I one jealous God! I punish da peopo dat do bad tings. I go afta dem an I punish da ones dat hate me. An if dea kids do da same ting, I punish dem too, an same ting wit dea grankids, an even dea great-grankids. 10 But wen peopo show me love an aloha an do wat I tell um fo do, I stay tight wit dem, an dea kids, an dea grankids fo tousan generation!
Rule Numba Three
11 “No go use my name an ack jalike dat give you da right fo do any kine stuff. Cuz me Da One In Charge, an anybody use my name fo do any kine stuff, no way I goin let dem go an no punish dem.
Rule Numba Four
12 “No foget da Res Day. Make shua da Res Day stay spesho fo me. 13 Work six days an do eryting you gotta do. 14 But da Numba Seven Day, dass da Res Day dass spesho fo me, yoa God, Da One In Charge. Dat day, no do work notting—you, yoa boy, yoa girl, yoa worka guy o wahine, yoa cow, yoa donkey, all yoa odda animals, anybody from anodda place dat stay by you, fo yoa worka guys an wahines res jalike you. 15 No foget, you guys was slave guys an work real hard inside Egypt. An me, yoa God, Da One In Charge, I wen bring you guys outa dea wit my powa. Az why me, yoa God, Da One In Charge, stay tell you guys fo show respeck fo da Res Day.
Rule Numba Five
16 “Show respeck fo yoa faddah an muddah, jalike me, Da One In Charge, yoa God, wen tell you guys fo do. Den you guys goin live long time an eryting goin go good fo you guys on top da land I stay give you guys.
Rule Numba Six
17 “No go murda nobody.
Rule Numba Seven
18 “No go fool aroun wit anodda guy o wahine behind yoa husban o wife back.
Rule Numba Eight
19 “No go steal notting.
Rule Numba Nine
20 “Wen you gotta tell someting in front one judge fo show proof wat anodda guy wen do, no bulai.
Rule Numba Ten
21 “No go tink, ‘I like get da odda guy stuffs, an I goin get um!’ Dat mean, no go like get his wife, his house, his land, his worka guy o wahine, his cow o donkey—notting dat yoa neighba guy own.”
22 Den Moses tell da peopo: “Dis wat Da One In Charge wen tell all you guys fo do wit one loud voice on top da mountain, from inside da fire an cloud an real dark sky, an he no tell notting moa. Den he write um on top two flat stones, an give um to me.
Moses Tell Da Peopo Wat God Tell
23 “Wen you guys wen hear da voice come from da dark sky, an da fire stay burn on top da mountain, all da leada guys from yoa ohanas an yoa older leada guys come by me. 24 You guys tell, ‘You know wat? Oua God Da One In Charge wen show us how awesome an importan he stay. An we hear his voice come from inside da fire. Today we see dat peopo can stay alive still yet, even if God talk to um. 25 So, how come we gotta mahke?! Cuz dis big fire can wipe us guys out! Oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us—if us gotta hear his voice one mo time still yet, fo shua us goin mahke! 26 Cuz no mo nobody eva hear da God Dat Stay Alive talk to him from inside da fire, jalike us Israel guys, an still yet stay alive afta. 27 So you Moses, go nea God an lissen all da stuff oua God, Da One In Charge, tell you. Den you come back tell us guys wat God wen tell you, an us goin lissen an do um.’ ”
28 Den Moses tell: “Da One In Charge hear wat you guys tell me, an he tell, ‘I hear wat dis peopo tell you. Az good, eryting dey tell. 29 I like dey tink lidat erytime, fo stay sked a me an do eryting I tell um fo do, so den eryting goin go good fo dem an dea kids, foeva!
30 “ ‘Go, tell um go back by dea tents. 31 But you, Moses, stay hea wit me, fo me tell you eryting—all da stuff dey gotta do, an da rules you goin teach dem, fo dem do um inside da land I goin give dem fo come dea property.’ ”
32 Az why Moses tell da peopo: “So now, you guys make shua you do eryting oua God, Da One In Charge, tell you fo do. No go turn away from um to da right side o da lef side. 33 Do eryting da way yoa God, Da One In Charge, tell you fo do um fo you guys live long time an eryting goin go good fo you guys inside da land you goin get.”
5:8 5:8: Pries 26:1; Rules2 4:15-18; 27:15 5:9 5:9: Outa 34:6-7; Census 14:18; Rules2 7:9-10 5:11 5:11: Pries 19:12 5:12 5:12: Outa 16:23-30; 31:12-14 5:13 5:13: Outa 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Pries 23:3 5:16 5:16 a: Rules2 27:16; Matt 15:4; 19:19; Mark 7:10; 10:19; Luke 18:20; Efes 6:2; Efes 6:3 5:17 5:17: Start 9:6; Pries 24:17; Matt 5:21; 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rome 13:9; James 2:11 5:18 5:18: Pries 20:10; Matt 5:27; 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rome 13:9; James 2:11 5:19 5:19: Pries 19:11; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rome 13:9 5:20 5:20: Outa 23:1; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20 5:21 5:21: Rome 7:7; 13:9 5:22 5:22: Heb 12:18-19