Samson Marry
1 Samson go down Timnah town, an he spock one young Filisha wahine.
2 Wen he go back, he tell his faddah an muddah, “I wen spock one Filisha wahine, Timnah side. Now go get her fo me, fo come my wife.”
3 His faddah an muddah tell him, “Wot! No mo wahine dat you like from yoa ohana, o from da Israel peopo, o wat?! Fo real, dat you gotta go by da Filisha peopo dat no mo da mark fo Da One In Charge, fo get one wife, o wat?!”
But Samson tell his faddah, “Get her fo me. Her, da right one fo me.”
4 (His faddah an muddah donno dat was Da One In Charge make dat happen. Cuz Da One In Charge like make someting happen wit da Filisha guys. He like da Israel peopo go agains da Filisha peopo. Cuz dat time da Filisha peopo stay in charge a da Israel peopo.)
5 So Samson go down Timnah side wit his faddah an muddah. Wen dey go nea da grape farms nea Timnah, right den an dea one young lion come afta Samson, making big noise.
6 Da Spirit from Da One In Charge start fo take charge a Samson, an give um plenny powa. He pull da lion in two piece wit his hands, jalike was one young goat. But he no tell his faddah o his muddah wat he wen do.
7 Den he go down an talk wit da wahine, an he stay good inside bout her.
8 Laytas, he go back fo marry her. He turn by da side fo look da lion body. Inside da body get plenny bees an some honey.
9 So he scrape out da honey wit his hands, an eat um wen he stay walk. Wen he go back by his faddah an muddah, he give dem some honey, an dey eat um. But he no tell um dat he scrape da honey outa da lion body.
10 Now, his faddah go down fo see da wahine. Samson make one big drinking party ova dea, jalike da grooms make.
11 Wen Samson show up, dey give him thirty guys fo hang out wit him.
12 Samson tell, “I like tell you guys one riddle. If you guys can tell me wat dat mean befo da seven days pau fo da wedding luau, I goin give you guys thirty linen kine shirts, an thirty odda fancy kine clotheses.
13 But if you guys no can tell me wat da riddle mean, you guys gotta give me thirty linen shirts, an thirty odda kine fancy clotheses.”
Dey tell, “Tell us guys yoa riddle. We like hear um.”
14 Samson tell,
“From da one dat eat, come someting fo eat.
From da strong one, come someting sweet.”
Fo three days dey no can figga wat dat mean.
15 Da day numba seven, dey tell Samson bride, “Make da groom tell wat da riddle mean, o we goin burn you up an yoa faddah ohana too, an you all goin mahke. You wen tell us guys fo come ova hea, fo him rip us off, o wat?!”
16 Den Samson bride come by him. She stay cry, an tell, “You hate me! You no love me fo real kine! You give my peopo one riddle, but you no tell me wat da riddle mean!”
Samson tell, “I neva even tell my faddah o muddah wat dat mean, so why I goin tell you?!”
17 She cry fo all da seven days wen dey make da luau. So da day numba seven he tell her wat da riddle mean, cuz she stay put presha on him. Den she tell her peopo wat da riddle mean.
18 Da day numba seven, befo da sun go down, da guys inside da town tell him,
“No mo notting mo sweet den da honey.
No mo notting mo strong den da lion.”
Samson tell um,
“You guys make one deal wit my bride,
Jalike you plow yoa field wit my young girl kine cow,
Az how you guys know wat da riddle mean!”
19 Den da Spirit from Da One In Charge take ova Samson wit powa. He go down by Ashkelon town, an wack thirty a dea guys, rip off dea clotheses an odda stuffs, an give dea clotheses to da guys dat wen tell wat da riddle mean. He stay real huhu, an he go back his faddah house.
20 So dey give Samson bride to one a da guys dat hang out wit him fo da wedding.