Jesus In Front Da Govna
(Mark 15:1; Luke 23:1-2; John 18:28-32)
1 Early morning time, all da Main Pries guys an da older leadas fo da peopo figga out how dey goin kill Jesus.
2 Dey tie him up, take him away, an give him to Pilate, da Rome govna.
Judas Mahke
(Jesus Guys 1:18-19; Zekariah 11:12-13; Jeremiah 32:6-9)
3 Judas, da guy dat wen set up Jesus, see wat wen happen. Afta he find out dat dey goin kill Jesus fo shua, he come real sorry an start fo tink diffren now. Az why he take back all da thirty silva coins fo give um to da Main Pries guys an da older leadas dat give him da money befoa.
4 He tell um, “Eh, I wen do someting wrong! I wen set up one guy dat neva do notting bad!”
But dey tell him, “Eh, no bodda us wit dat! Az yoa problem!”
5 So Judas throw down da thirty silva coins right dea inside da Temple, an go out an hang himself.
6 Den da Main Pries guys take da thirty silva coins. Dey tell, “No good we put dis money inside da place wea da peopo give money fo da Temple cuz dis blood money.”
7 Az why dey figga lidis: “We go buy da field from da guy dat make clay pots, aah? Den if somebody come from far away an mahke, an nobody know who him, us can bury um ova dea inside dat field.”
8 Dass why, dat field, dey call um “Da Blood Field” even till now.
9 Dis happen jalike Jeremiah wen tell befo time. He one guy dat wen talk fo God, an he tell, “Had some Israel peopo dat tell, ‘We give thirty silva coin fo dis guy.’
10 Dey talk wit da guy dat make clay pots, an dey give him da coins fo buy his field, jalike Da One In Charge tell me fo do.” Dass wat Jeremiah tell.
Pilate Aks Jesus Plenny Stuff
(Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:3-5; John 18:33-38)
11 Da same time, Jesus stay stan in front Pilate, da govna. Pilate aks him, “Eh, you da King fo da Jews, o wat?”
Jesus tell him, “You da one tell dat.”
12 Da Main Pries guys an da older leadas all poin finga Jesus. But he still no tell notting.
13 Pilate tell him, “You neva hear all dat stuff dey stay tell bout you, o wat?”
14 Still yet Jesus no tell notting. An cuz he no tell notting, dat blow Pilate mind.
Dey Tell Jesus Gotta Mahke
(Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:39–19:16)
15 Govna Pilate, he free up one prisona guy ery year, Passova time. Any guy da peopo pick, Pilate let um go.
16 Had one guy Barabbas dat stay inside da prison. All da peopo know bout him.
17 So wen all da peopo come togedda, Pilate aks um, “Who you guys like me let go fo you? You like Barabbas? O you like Jesus da guy dey call da Christ Guy, da one dey tell God wen sen um?”
18 Pilate know awready dat da leada guys wen give Jesus to him cuz dey real mad at Jesus. Cuz erybody lissen Jesus, an no lissen da leada guys.
19 Pilate still stay sit on top da judge chair, an his wife sen somebody by him fo tell, “No bodda wit dat Jesus guy cuz he neva do notting bad. I wen suffa plenny inside one dream cuz a him!”
20 But da Main Pries guys an da older leadas presha da peopo fo yell dis: “Kill Jesus awready! We like Barabbas!”
21 Govna Pilate aks one mo time, “Get two guys ova hea. Wat one you like fo me let go?”
Dey yell, “Barabbas!”
22 So Pilate tell um, “Den wat I goin do wit Jesus, da Christ Guy, da one dey tell God wen sen um?”
Dey all yell, “Kill dat buggah on top one cross! Kill um on top one cross!”
23 But Pilate tell, “How come? Wat kine bad ting he wen do?”
But dey yell mo loud, “Kill um on top one cross!”
24 Den Pilate know he no can make dem change dea minds, cuz da peopo stay bus up da place awready. Az why he take some watta an wash his hands in front da peopo. He tell, “No go poin finga me fo wateva you guys do to dis guy! Dass you guys kuleana!”
25 An all da peopo tell, “Yeah, us guys an oua kids goin be da one fo take da blame fo kill um!”
26 Den Pilate tell da army guys, “Let Barabbas go. Whip Jesus. Den kill um on top one cross.”
Da Army Guys Make Any Kine To Jesus
(Mark 15:16-20; John 19:2-3; Isaiah 50:6)
27 Den da army guys dat work fo da govna take Jesus inside da palace, an dey tell all da odda army guys fo come by dem.
28 Dey take off Jesus clotheses an put one long red king kine robe on top him.
29 Dey make one crown from thorns, an put um on top his head. An dey put one stick in his right hand jalike him da king. An dey go down in front him an make fun a him. Dey tell, “Ho! Check um out! Da King fo da Jews!”
30 An da army guys spit on him, an take da stick an wack him on top his head plenny times.
31 Wen dey pau make fun a him, dey take off da red robe an put his clotheses back on top him. Den dey take him outside fo kill him on top one cross.
Dey Nail Jesus On Top One Cross
Fo Kill Um
(Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-27; Songs 22:7-8, 18; 69:21; 109:25; Isaiah 53:12; Sad Song 2:15)
32 Wen dey stay go out from Jerusalem, dey meet one guy name Simon from Cyrene town. Da army guys tell um he gotta carry Jesus cross.
33 Dey come by da place dey call “Golgota,” dat mean “Da Skull Place.”
34 Dey try give Jesus wine wit bitta stuff inside, but wen he taste da wine, he no like drink um.
35 Dey nail him on top da cross, an den dey throw dice fo see wat army guy goin get wat clotheses from Jesus.
36 Den dey sit down an guard him.
37 Dey make one sign an put um ova his head, fo tell erybody wat he wen do wrong. Dis da sign:
Dis Jesus
Da King Fo Da Jews
38 Dey hang two prisona guys on top two crosses nea him, one on da right side an da odda one on da lef side.
39 Had some guys dat stay walk ova dea dat shake dea fis at Jesus an yell, “Shame, you!
40 You wen tell dat you goin broke down da Temple an goin build um up one mo time befo three days pau! Az why we like see you get outa dis! If you God Boy, come down from da cross now!”
41 Da Main Pries guys, da guys dat teach da Rules From God, an da older leadas make fun too, jalike da odda guys. Dey tell,
42 “He wen get odda guys outa da stuff dey stay in, but he no can get outa dis! If he da King fo da Israel peopo, kay den, us like see him come down from da cross now! Den we goin trus him!
43 He stay trus God. Az why, us like see God get him outa dis stuff now, if God like him! Cuz he wen tell, ‘I God Boy.’ ”
44 An da prisona guys dat stay nail on dea cross nea him, dey make fun a him too, jalike da odda guys.
Jesus Mahke
(Mark 15:33-41; Luke 23:44-49; John 19:28-40; Amos 8:9; Songs 22:1; 69:21; Outa Egypt 26:31-35; Hebrews 10:20; Ezekiel 37:12)
45 Noon time get real dark all ova da place fo three hour.
46 Three clock Jesus yell real loud an tell, “Eli, eli, lema sabaktani!” Aramaic language, dat mean, “My God! My God! How come you bag from me?!”
47 Some odda guys dat stay ova dea hear him an tell, “Dis guy stay yell fo Elijah fo come!”
48 One guy run an put one sponge inside da sour wine, an put um on top one stick, an try give um to Jesus fo drink.
49 But da odda guys tell, “Try wait! We go see if Elijah goin come fo get him outa dis.”
50 Jesus yell one mo time real loud, an den he let go his spirit an mahke.
51 Right den an dea da big curtain inside da temple broke in two from da top to da bottom. An da groun shake, an da rocks split,
52-53 an da graves open. An you know wat? Plenny mahke guys dat was spesho fo God long time befo time, dea bodies come alive one mo time. Dat happen afta Jesus come back alive from mahke. Dey come outa dea graves, an dey go inside Jerusalem, da town dat stay spesho fo God. Plenny peopo spock um!
54 So da captain fo da army guys an his guys dat guard Jesus, dey see da groun stay shaking. Dey see all da stuff dat happen. Az why dey come real sked, an tell, “Fo shua, dis was God Boy!”
55 Had plenny wahines dat stay stan far away fo watch eryting. Befo time, dey wen go wit Jesus from Galilee side fo take kea him.
56 Had Mary from Magdala, an anodda Mary dat get two boys, James an Joseph, an Zebedee wife dat get two boys, an had odda wahines.
Dey Bury Jesus
(Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Rules Secon Time 21:22-23; Jesus Guys 13:29)
57 Had one rich guy Joseph from Arimatea. He stay tight wit Jesus.
58 He go in front Pilate befo da sun go down, an tell Pilate if can take Jesus body. Az why Pilate tell his guys fo give Joseph da body.
59 Joseph take down da body from da cross, an wrap um up inside one clean cloth.
60 Joseph put um inside his new tomb, dat stay awready cut inside one small cliff. Joseph guys push one big rock in front da hole fo close um. Den dey go way.
61 Mary from Magdala an da odda Mary stay sit ova dea wea dey can see da tomb.
Da Police Guards By Da Tomb
62 Da nex day, afta da Make Ready Day fo da Passova time, da Main Pries guys an da Pharisee guys come togedda in front Pilate.
63 Dey tell, “Eh Govna, us guys no foget, wen dat fake guy still alive, he tell, ‘Afta three days I goin come back alive one mo time.’
64 Az why us guys figga, try put some guards in front da tomb fo three days, fo his guys no come an steal his body. Cuz if dey do dat, den dey goin tell da peopo, ‘Look hea! He wen come back alive from mahke!’ An den dis fake ting goin be mo worse den da firs fake ting wen he tell he da Christ Guy.”
65 So Pilate tell um, “Use yoa police guys. Sen um fo guard um, jalike you guys tell.”
66 Den dey go an put one offisho seal on top da big rock dat close da tomb, an leave some police guards ova dea fo guard um.